Got a 2-3x 18650 box mod with 3000mah batteries and been running my mod at 30 Watts and with what I call heavy use I am getting 3-4 days on charge
My hopper forced my to change battery every 3 bowls so I feel like I gone from a plastic knife to a chainsaw and also think you thought I was talking about "hoppers glorious battery life"... Nope

was talking about my box mod
dang I've got a 4x bay RX300 and generally manage a day or two at best - it definitely got multiple days use with the rate I was using them - but they can't keep up with my hoppers, so that's my go to.
The G43 is drawing at low Watts, so maybe that would be quite an efficient device.
It takes so long to charge those big batteries though, I've got two hopper GHB2s ready in an hour, eventually 3 in 15 mins too. Then, with fresh batts, I can blast several chambers worth, which will give hits and effects to easily outlast the next charge duration (and generally multiple cycles if I am charging after a heavy nights session).
It is a bit of a gun slinging time handling so many small cells, but they're light, relatively safe, and easy to manage.
The bulk of the 4 bay mod is a bit overkill for the hits I got, but it's not bad. It definitely does a great job with a totally different signature, a lot like the Arizer EQ - any super versatile 18mm basket blaster. Very enjoyable.
I'm also suspecting my mod box is broken, so there's that. I do need to repair the TUBOx and replace the mod, but it's a bit of a drain at this point. I've got coils (and jetpack) incoming for the Stempod and tried to buy a P80 mod straight from Dan but he's only bundling them with the Si. I will have to eventually piece my 510 kits back to operating order as it's a sad affair. Vapes like that aren't such an easy ordeal IME. I'm not facing normal experiences I guess, across the board, so what goes around does come around.
Not to worry. And I actually was thinking you were meaning the battery life of the box mod, to which I just don't quite see eye to eye.
The GH uses 750mAh cells, charged the same way you should charge 3000mAh 18650s.
3 bowls at 750mAh, is quite efficient. The equivalent would be 50 "GH chambers" quantity through the RX300 with whichever attachment. That's somewhere around a quarter of weed. I find the hoppers more efficient and more convenient, always available, where as my mod is generally out of commission as of late.
Definitely a chainsaw of a weapon yielding a metal stempod RX300, I do prefer an extension lead for some set ups.
But the right hopper is straight up a sniper rifle. And the Sub is the atomic bomb.