Well-Known Member
IF this is true I honestly expect to hear news of my hopper next week. If I don't hear anything I'm going to assume this is all bullshit. One of my warranty requests has been open since September. Granted they reported reciept of the hopper in December but this is still crazy.Seems like we got a part 3 today, apparently they have been shipping for weeks?
How hard can it possibly be to estimate a timeline? That's all people want. Even just an average number of hoppers that are being fixed each day would be enough. If it's gonna take a month, fine. It will take a month. But don't leave me in the dark. I'm not even asking for full transparency at this point. I don't trust them enough to believe it anyway.
I just want hopperlabs to have a semblance of accountability. They sold me a product that has spent more time being "fixed" than it has in my possession. I don't want to hear more excuses. I want an actually apology. I want to hear, "we've been messing up royally, here's what we're doin going to fix this, and more importantly make sure this never happens again". I don't just want to her, "we changed stuff now it works" I want to know what did you change. What problems were fixed? What are you still working on. Hopper lab says has a terrible reputation right now and they need to do the leg work to fix that before they get anymore of my money.
Case and point, the batter charger and the case. First it's coming by the end of 2017, then it's coming the first quarter of 2018, now it's coming the second quarter. "who's the fool? The fool, or the fool who follows the fool", I'm done feeling foolish.