I'm not spreading misinformation.
You're literally just labeling anything that you don't already agree with to be misinformation.
In addition to the reddit post I have already sourced above, there are plenty more user experiences on reddit reported from the last 3 years that I have personally read that echo the experience I linked you to.
Oh you don't like reddit?
That's fine. There's a user on FC who has posted about it to. Is he a liar too?
"Yesterday a Hopper Labs battery exploded in my top dresser drawer. I don't know if it was a b1 or a b2. Almost all my batteries are several years old.
I was in a bit of a hurry, recollecting exact detail has been difficult. I do know that I had just taken the fully charged batt off the Nitecore D2 and put it into a silicone sleeve button end first (my habit, I know if they're charged or depleted according to how I've inserted them). The flat end then remains exposed in the caddy I used. I dropped the caddy into an open-top box where some accessories and stuff are 'organized' in the drawer, closed the drawer almost all the way (about an inch open) and walked toward the door. There were no other batteries in the organizer box.
Heard a loud 'pop!' (less than a firecracker, more muffled) and turned to see huge plumes of smoke coming out of the drawer, accompanied for a few seconds by a hissing sound and soon a real bad plastic-type smell. Opened the drawer and a small cardboard package containing a glass stem from another vape was on fire, though it went out soon on its' own. The glass stem inside was shattered. There was a hole melted through the silicone battery caddy and a lot of barely recognizable battery parts all over the place. Soot all over everything. I have more smoke/soot remediation to do today.
Needless to say, I was fucking freaked out. Another 10 or 20 seconds and I'd have not been in the room, might have had a much more serious situation."
But according to you and multiple posters in this thread everyone who is talking about problems with the batteries is a fakenews liar right????
Give me a break