Really a bad day all around, my sympathy to the HL people and all who worked there.
The loss of 'custom machinery' is going to sting, of course along with all the inventory and rma's on-hand. I hope as things settle out they can retrieve a percentage with remediation.
That HL comes back better and stronger is my sincere hope.
I have to wonder about the batteries. Part of the battery delay was due to mis-labeling -- they were re-labelled. I don't know quite what that entails, but certainly more handling at a minimum. Then, they all came thru with the glossy sleeve, not the matte which had been an earlier change (during a prior GHB2 run).
HL is asking that owners dispose of batteries with glossy label that say, "GHB2 Made in China" which of course my recent purchase batts do say. I have an array that spans years, but all are glossy. One or two say GHB1 Made in China but the older (for me) GHB2's do not.
I can only imagine what the fireworks of 50,000 'venting' batteries might be like (having had an older one go off in my bedroom recently).
Sadly, I have to view this as virtually terminal as far as my Grasshopper reliance goes. Recovery is going to take a long, long time, and that's the optimistic view.
Damn, just when it was back to cruisin' speed with these things. I have 2 working great and one pretty good, but none are good for much with the batteries I have to feed them. Back to hibernation, Grasshoppers.