This ^^....3 exactly why I don't buy any of their "oh, wait, we really got it fixed this time, Robbie!" BS.
3 years....

3 years isn't a long time for a start up. About 80% of that time and activity is accounted for with good evidence too. It simply isn't enough for prototyping, R&D, scaling production and delivering, which is ultimately what's been attempted since the crowd funding. It's enough time for me to know I'd be happy to continue using the GH for the rest of my days. But with the small start up I work for, for eg., in that time frame, we've only just started shipping our product by the pallet, and have commenced substantial redesign. Our team could probably solve GHs problems, mostly being high quality and widely experienced electrical engineers with corporate funding. But it's not a given.
HL have certainly made more money and sold more product, but they haven't shown to have any real relevant experience and are constrained by their sales budget. This is them gaining said experience, and in said time frame, they've done heaps. This is what I'd hope for with crowdfunding, it's not a best case scenario, but it is relatively better than most attempts if you care to compare. That's not excusing their incompetency, that is addressing the reality of the situation.
They made some claims along the lines of your quoted quip stating something about V5 internals. That came after using my (v4?) HT for over 100 days, or so, idk, and so who is to know what the current reliability even roughly is?
It's almost certainly better than average due to the trickle output, which from what I gather is most probably due to the 3D printed heater yields and production throughput.
The only real thing that is certain to me, is that as good as these things are, the experience and product can vary wildly.
Given enough time, for those who actually want what's on offer, it's worth the wait to get it.
Given no one has been able to compete, and most attempts have ended even worse off, and given the recent launches and their nature, the fluctuation with different GH's isn't surprising, it is of course a bad thing, but it's not that unreasonable and hasn't been
that troublesome IME. It's certianly been troublesome for the business, and some users have been worse off, but that doesn't massively concern me. The worst aspect of the device, without a doubt, is it's inconsistencies, though it's the nature of what it is, so it's something I have chosen to put up with. Getting my blue scorcher back has been amazing, it hits super hard. But I can't say the cooler heat and better flavour of my HT makes that one a lesser vape, just different. Both are extremely nice vapes, one just helps me sleep better than the other (because it is clearly overheating the chamber beyond the specified 210°), which I've loved this past week. I'd prefer the spec of a vape to go to 235° anyway, but I don't require it.
Really, the whole thing is pretty ridiculous. This is unashamedly, and always has been, a product from an inexperienced team choosing to go fully proprietary with complex specifications.
That's something my team is no longer interested in after attempting it several times in multiple industries. Off the shelf is much easier, cheaper and a lot less stressful.
If you want experienced engineers to make an equivilant device, you'll be waiting much longer than an RMA and I am happily on that wait list too. It will happen eventually. I've kept an eye on the market and will jump ship as soon as it's worthwhile, but I won't be holding my breath, just enjoying what I've got.
I'm not the mainstream though, just someone who has gone out of their way to enjoy things to the full potential. And there's simply a lot to enjoy with the hopper.
People think it sucks when the hopper breaks, well it does, but it's nothing compared to a Sublimator being out of commission due to poor design, production and general execution. PID controllers aren't infallible, especially when created by unorthodox cannabis enthusiasts. Ingenuity doesn't cause quality, a proper process is required.
I agree that HL hasn't conducted things within everyone's best interests, but they have somehow stayed afloat and don't currently owe me enough money that I care too much about it. Maybe I'll get my quick charger, that'd be nice.
But it's not as essential as an ultraportable high impact vape. I'd love for something to arrive that fits the bill, currently it is only Hopper Labs making the effort or actually delivering, eventually.
Believing them is irrelevant. It seems waiting for a quality ultraportable is inevitable, and that could potentially always be the case. During the wait I'm happy to already have a few. One of them legitimately replaces the sub, and the other two are the perfect travel companion for when I head north next weekend. Though I'll probably use the blue one there too, at night.