i've never really had a tasty vape. would this be one to get?
If all you're chasing is flavour there are better options.
The GH will be the tastiest vape you've tried if, like it was for me coming from the EQ, MFLB, Pax, and other random ones that I scarcely used long ago, the previous vapes weren't very tasty.
The GH is still my tastiest vape, and it has it's moments where it causes me to smack my lips and literally say 'yum' whilst I sit stunned in bliss from a huge super tasty cloud. D-Limonene please and thank you.
The disadvantage of a tasty vape is that some herb tastes weird.
I got some Incredible Hulk once, which was amazing quality flower, but it tasted strange. I hated vaping it, and it gave me a super strong paranoid high. The strain apparently has great genetics, but for whatever reason this sample tasted off and the taste really lingered. I've also had a local bag of a strain called Cat Piss, and it for sure had a bit of a stench to it too. Neither were awful, but far from desirable flavours for me.
I now have a Sublimator (EQ level flavour - average), DynaVap (a bit better, but not GH level).
I am going to purchase a WoodScents log in the next few months, just as a desktop to use with my full glass collection (Sub is dangerous and I sold my EQ) and to appease NonaVong VAS and so I can try the Ti VC, too.
I think that the WS might be tastier than the GH, just a hunch. I'd like any insight if anyone has any..
Flavour's another choice reason I want one.
The first time I tried the Mighty, I was disappointed by how tasty it was. Before then, I thought the GH flavour was perfect.
The GH runs out of flavour pretty quick, and the result is an intense savoury flavour.
If you're expecting sweet, savoury is nasty.
If you use some sommelier skill though, I've noted some interesting tones in what could easily be considered awful by snobby FireFly 2 users.
The FF2 is said to have flavour as it's only/best aspect by many, I think it's potentially underrated or just too difficult to use perhaps. They get good reviews, like from
VaporizerWizard. Could be worth looking at, but I hear the app for it is broken and has been for a couple of months..
But, to match and beat the GH potency and flavour wise, and portably, I'd suggest a Milaana or the Tubo Evic.
Also, the RBT Splinter that's soon to be released might blur the stealth differences from pen to wooden chunk.
What the GH is, is a very small, properly portable, powerful vape. It's best used attached to something for a cooler vapour path (the heat changes the flavours experienced, and also just makes it difficult to appreciate at all for some).
When they're functioning properly, they offer great cloud density at low temps, which is exactly what is best for vaping for flavour and effect.
They're not very reliable, but if you have other vapes it's not a huge concern.. but it's definitely something to consider. It's also worth considering that it's definitely not the peak of flavour town, though it holds its own fairly well.
Some mention the SS GH gives off flavour, I've only experienced this after cleaning a PFE with PBW (which causes oxidation). Using it right now (freshly cleaned with isopropyl), I can't taste anything but my flower.
Also the Grasshopper I'm using isn't functioning properly, but as a result it's extra tasty and incapable of heavily toasting (which can taste quite bad).
It's a funny vape, but I think it's just a super portable, stealthy, potent, easy to use, instant on vape. It gets good ticks for it's vapour profile, but it does go through phases. For the best flavour, the vapour really needs to be cooled, straight from the mouthpiece is relatively quite harsh.
Attach a whip, and it outclasses the EQ by a significant margin IMO.
Gees I create some walls of text sometimes.... sorry ya'll hope it's useful