I was just wondering why people liked my post. I wasn't posting it because I'm happily anticipating my Hopper arriving. I just wanted to share the unreasonable wait time.
I like posts as a 'read it' marker, as a 'cheers for sharing' marker and for any other reason my high mind comes up with spontaneously.
For that particular post, it was mostly a 'cheers for sharing, I'm in the same boat' oriented decision.
But, I'd be interested to hear the portion of the 4 weeks that you've been waiting that has been transit, as 4 weeks for warranty isn't too unreasonable if most of it is transit, which has been my experience. How often some people experience needing warranty is unreasonable, for sure. How HL communicate and their generosity could be better (but expenses require funds right?). This is my 2nd week in over a year that I don't have a hopper, and given the market options and everything else it seems about as reasonable as anything to still own one and enjoy it. I am looking forward to getting my two back, though I still haven't sent them away lol. There's plenty of back up options, even the trusty bic and cone if need be. It's a bit disappointing, but 95% of the time owning a hopper is more than worthwhile, for me at least, though I won't deny the overall enjoyment would be better without needing warranty, it wouldn't be by a lot. For me, with having access to the product for 97% of the year, with 5% of it away or playing up. I'm happy with that.
If I didn't have back-up options and wasn't going to spend an amount on one product instead of these two finicky hoppers, I couldn't justify getting them, but that wasn't the case. I find my time without the GH frustrating, but only because I've been enlightened to a different lifestyle with it, one that I can't see how I could replicate with any other product. Owning the GH has fundamentally changed how I view vaping and how I view cannabis, it's caused me to smoke a lot less and get a lot higher in some extremely remote areas. And I enjoy cannabis more than ever. Hoppering has surpassed my satisfaction for nicotine infused bong hits, one of the most highly addictive ways to use cannabis and something that could easily have killed me.
Through the year it's cost me 50 bucks and a 2 short stints with warranty/postage, on top of 70 dollars of batteries, and about 500 for both hoppers. I've frivolously spent upwards of 3k fueling it with herb and glass and accessories, to the point that they've totally eclipsed the worth of the hopper (and are future proof too). But a 400 bong isn't priceless to me if I only have the EQ. So I don't know, I guess I don't care that much that the GH needs service trips because currently there's still nothing else that does what it does. It does precisely what I need, and I gather a lot of other people are similar. This is why I enjoy spending my internet time preaching the good word, because fuck combustion.
The hopper is the tool that actually allowed me to do it, sure it breaks from time to time. Better it than me.
Also worth pointing out that before I transitioned I was smoking about 5k of herb a year, so successfully switching to the hopper has paid for itself and all the extra goodies and glass, and postage.
And I'll like a post where the story is different, because every tale is important. I stand by quality and reason, which is often offered here, there's lots to like. And although the hoppers quality is a touchy subject, it doesn't have proper competition but it does have a (so far 100% upheld) lifetime warranty, and it takes me a month to utilise it too. Factors can be accounted for if the facts stand. I bought a second unit before I even tried the hopper because I knew I'd be sending one away periodically. Unfortunality that is still the best option for this product, which does heavily undermine its value, but then it's relatively inexpensive and also a shameless consumer product anyway.
Anyways... that's a lot more justification than I was expecting to spiel, and I reckon the EQ is pre-heated now, but yeah no I'll-feelings
@Icon13 I just hope you can still appreciate what you've been apart of even if it hasn't worked out as well for you or others. Overall I think it's been great for the average user and I think it has been good development for the industry. It may not be perfect, and it's certainly been a mixed bag of tricks, but I'm still waiting for something with the same features to show up to even properly compete. Until then I hope you get your hoppers back and just enjoy them until they've got to go back again. At least when they die, for the time being, it just takes a month and 20 bucks post. At some stage they'll die and there'll be something else to upgrade to, but unless you want to opt for a major pitfall in usability and portability, the warranty cycle is very much worth it from my perspective