Hello all!
So I have been testing the newest 2017 Titanium and Stainless steel Grasshoppers.
A few things I want to point out from my 3 previous Hoppers from IG to now:
-Original hoppers were said to have a 30 watt oven, new units now have 45 watt heaters.
-The new SS is much cooler than the original SS in draw and body heat.
-I noticed the new Ti Hoppers run cooler than previous Ti Hopppers as well.
-My Ti heats up 1/2 seconds faster than my SS
-The lights are more distinct on the new Hoppers and easier to see than original units.
-I run my Ti at a lower temp than my SS with equal results.
-GHB2 batteries last much longer
A few suggestions so you might not have to RMA your Hopper.
-first and foremost the battery.
I have a feeling that a lot of RMAs might be avoided by proper insertion of the battery as dumb as this may sound.
The positive battery makes contact with the heaters circuit board to make a connection.
I have seen people drop their battery in their vapes, Hoppers as well.
Do not drop your battery in your hopper!!!
I think dropping the battery in the Hopper could damage or possibly crack the circuit board if dropped in hard or too many times. It could also possibly damage the Positive battery terminal.
I like to lay my Hopper on its side and slide the battery in gently then install the back end.
When the back end completes the circuit through the battery the red light will "flick on" for a second, you know it made a connection. Now you have a connection do not over tighten the back end.
There are no springs or buffer on either side of the battery so be careful not to over tighten.
Second suggestion
Try to find a temp you like and keep it there.
Mine are 3 1/3 on the Ti and 3.5 on the SS when using dry.
When you turn the temperature dial the gold disk on the inside for the negative terminal rotates with the temp control.
The tighter the back end is on the more pressure is put on the battery and the circuit board.
I know this is not ideal, but when I do adjust temps I loosen my back end a bit to relieve some pressure, adjust the temp, and tighten.
Third suggestion
After using my hopper, once I empty the chamber and brush it out I like to take deep draws with the MP off to keep any particulates from going through the screen into the unit.
This may just my OCD talking but I have had many vapes last very long times simply by keeping then clean.
Sorry if I sound preachy I just wanted to give my thoughts on how to possibly prolong your Hoppers life.
The Grasshopper IS an electronic device so it will not last forever it will inevitably need serviced at some point.
Sorry for the long post...