I took my Hopper to a bar tonight and vaped with the DJ.
We vaped 2 chambers of Master P and a chamber of Pineapple express throughout the night and nobody even knew.
He is placing his order for one tomorrow!
My Ti Hopper has been exceeding my expectations.

A great FC member and personal friend of mine is also purchasing one after using mine over the weekend too!

And he's a desktop guy!!!
Now on to battery life.
I know people love to complain.
Well for a 750mAh GHB2 battery after 3 chambers, roughly 30 draws starting on temp 3 stepping it up to 3.5 this is where I'm at.
I'd say that's pretty impressive.
We can all agree the Grasshopper has had a rocky start for the past 3 years with various issues.
After going through many problematic Grasshoppers personally with the rest of you all, I feel Grasshopper now has a solid reliable unit.
Just the fact that GHL are now looking forward and making accessories now gives me comfort.
Whether someone vapes or not, everyone I know has been very intrigued with my Hopper and has wanted to try it and liked it.
I'm pretty excited here because I've always been an "expect the worst hope for the best" kind of guy.
That way I'm never disappointed.
I had that in mind with my new Ti Hopper and it has been more than stellar so far.