Well-Known Member
Thanks, mate. They may be more general vape questions, but the answers do vary for some vaporizers. You ought to see all of the required body English on the FF2 thread. LOLWell I will be honest some of your questions seem to be related to general vaping questions.
1. It doesn't seem to matter but I would imagine reality plays a role. I've had some really fine grind well dried powder.. packed into the heater end of the chamber. Hit gh facing down. Got combustion... Another thing I have noticed sometimes with too fine the screen does not pick up the tiny particles. You then get dust jn your throat. Looking at the screen it seems obvious why. So a medium to broken up nug seems to work. Conversely it is a convection vape so the physics of evaporation apply.
2. Generally doesn't seem to matter. Some common sense, see 1.
3. Depending on if I have more batteries or green on hand I optimize one or the other. If I have plenty of batteries but stash is short.. I step up to 5 from 2. Usually get 6-10 hits depending on quality. If I am running low on batteries I start at 3.5 and take stronger rips. Usually 4 to 6 rips. Rips per bowl.
4. Turn on hit it, 75% of hit turn off, and continue to suck until it cools as it is off. Usually a couple seconds. Maybe whyou I haven't had as much heat issues.
As a last none I have com busted twice, but it was never as bad as other vapes.. as in burning the entire thing. It's like there is one single ember and it goes out quickly.
1. I packed the bowl way too full with really sticky stuff. Air flow was super tight compared to normal. Think too much heat built up.
2. Described in the first #1 above. I think some powder got onto the heater? Or too close.. did not see any ash in the chamber.
I'll just keep playing around with grind, how full, and temp and will find my sweet spot.
But I do really appreciate your taking a moment to reply