The Grasshopper is an amazing "PERSONAL" device, I have had my SS since the first holiday backer round which I guess was already June WHOA! and it's been my daily driver, go-to vape ever since. I recently got my backer Ti and as I expected, every "problem" with a GH (heat, battery life) that I have only considered "problems" in a group setting are solved easily by just having more hoppers. Now when folks come over they can just consume the strain they want from my shelf at their own pace and me at mine. it's a different but in my opinion better way to consume.
That said, sometimes it's nice to just pass it around like a bottle of booze and for that I say either use a GH with a bong (oh the flavor of bong rips at temp 3

As some have done get a companion session vape. I got the mivape a few weeks ago and for sharing it's awesome! A few non-tragic QC issues over there also and this is vaporfecrion's second device so as I've said I think we all need to be realistic that vapes are a new technology, so yeah I've had to buy a new mivape moutpeice (at discount because warranty was going to take to long as I'm traveling) and the moutpeice door has a crack but it's not a real problem.
And I would rather not send it back for these minor problems now because I don't want to go without having that deliciousness of flower+hash of the same strain that the mivape can do.
Both vapes are convection, flavor chasing dreams come true but also very different products.
I know a lot of people pair their Grasshoppper with a Crafty, I bet the firewood would be good also. The problem with session vapes after the Grasshooper is the start up time seems like forever although the mivape is decent, about a minute but nothing is like the grasshopper 5 seconds.
Particularly for patients, I think the GH startup time is simply a must have. Not all use medical but it can be, for example, last night I had some revenge of too spicer a dinner, A quick grab of the grasshopper and a pinch of Hell's Angel and I was back to sleep with a settled stomach before my pax2 would have even been ready!
One last thing, I went over to HL the other day to catch up a bit, it's a bustle of activity over there so DONT PANIC!