Well-Known Member
Is the backend air tight when screwed in?
With the backend screwed on and no battery, it does not seem to be airtight. But it's very, very close. :/
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Is the backend air tight when screwed in?
I haven't heard of any preorders yet. You should be close. Have you checked your spam email folder?Are pre-orders getting their Hoppers? I'm a backer and still no email...
It's Dec. 1st!I haven't heard of any preorders yet. You should be close. Have you checked your spam email folder?
wouldn't be so uncharitable.
This is just to say this EU shop now carries the GH
Pretty expensive for the SS version imho.
Can I just order for the US site and ask for a EU plug/version?
It's 150$ versus 269€.
... And 319€ for the Ti version!
EDIT: : 199£ which is 282€ but out of stock.
If it's just for the EU plug I'd gladly pay customs and import by myself.
There were several people who backed at a retail level, and got somewhere like 20 or 30 Grasshoppers to sell in shops.Wow, here we are waiting for our backer and pre-order GH's and this company has them for sale and in stock?
They're also saying that these backers are free to get refunds, so unhappiness is their own choice.Obviously that will leave a lot of people unhappy.
The hopper comes w/ a custom USB charging cable, no plugs, so it doesn't matter, USB standards are the same. There are some EU retailers getting ready to sell hoppers, but they're all out of stock b/c they've yet to have any stock. I kinda remember hearing that the retail packages are the last of the campaign perks to be fulfilled.This is just to say this EU shop now carries the GH
Pretty expensive for the SS version imho.
Can I just order for the US site and ask for a EU plug/version?
It's 150$ versus 269€.
... And 319€ for the Ti version!
EDIT: : 199£ which is 282€ but out of stock.
If it's just for the EU plug I'd gladly pay customs and import by myself.
The backend on my SS hopper has come apart after daily use since early September. Sending it back to Hopper Lab. Also had a green Ti Hopper but it got lost/misplaced. I'm very sad about this! Both units ran hot at the backend and battery life was disappointing. Hope HL is able to work out the bugs because it can't be beat where stealth and concealment is required.
I couldn't live with myself if I lost something I waited so long for.
I'd ask for a new unit at this point.Replacement back end, exact same overheating problem.
I'm not sure I can be bothered with multiple returns so considering my options.
GHL will probably get back to me tomorrow since I put it in after 5 P.M. their time (I feel like they do E-Mail 9-5, GHL work near 24/7).
I realized as I was writing how bad that sounded but I also was laughing really hard while writing it, so it is written with love.
My Hopper took a tough tumble last night. I used it a couple times and it was working fine, but I took 1 hit today, left it for a bit and when I tried to hit it again it shut off after 2 or 3 seconds. So, Hopsies is deadBut, this is a new one for sure. When I screw in the backend, it seems to think it's turning on. Here's the kicker - when I plug it it, it blinks like normal. If I turn it on, it goes between red flashing and red solid and is all whacky. This is with both batteries I have unfortunately. I can't quite tell, but it seems to be the backend. It feels a little different when clicking down. It was a nasty fall
I don't think the body is messed up... except for the flashing lights like weird, so maybe it is. GHL will probably get back to me tomorrow since I put it in after 5 P.M. their time (I feel like they do E-Mail 9-5, GHL work near 24/7).
I'm sad that I fucked it up lol. I have dropped it a couple times before, but this one was on the backend clicker :/ and it is a hard carpet and it also probably hit the wall, so it must have gotten pretty rattled. She sounds so sad
The worst part? The Air and the Flowermate just don't compare for meI got so used to the Grasshopper that I think I'm underwhelmed. Maybe using both together will help remedy my "pain".
At least this means I'll probably get a newer unit that has gotten the revisions! I can't help but think about the times where I would think there was something wrong with my Grasshopper. Occasionally it wouldn't seem to fully vape the product.. but then the battery dies and I just switched it and back to normal. I think playing with the pressure of the backend and the gold ring can have a performance impact. I feel like evidence to support this is those who needed to press their backends together to get it to work when it comes apart.
Also, I don't know if I'm mentioned this before, but it you apply a small amount of pressure down on the dial and turn it becomes much much easier.
Sorry to update with the bad news! At the very least this is a Grasshopper that lasted from 10/5 to 12/1, which seems to be pretty good for supposed recent influx of bad Grasshoppers (those naughty beasts).
That sucks. It will be interesting to see if you have to wait till after all the backers & pre-orders for a replacement. Whether or not they sell replacement parts or if you have to order a new GH.
You'd think they void a warranty because it fell off a 2-3ft windowsill? That'd suck a lot :/ Is that a thing with warranty? Lol. I think it'll be covered, and from what it seems everyone else has pretty much gotten a replacement within a week, I don't see why this would be different.
That said, I'd be down to pay a small compensation for a replacement since it was technically my error (It was out of my control, but in my possession). The wind knocked a hanging bat, which pushed the Grasshopper into an abyss between my bed and the wall and floor.
I dunno, the warranty shows a split in half Grasshopper... that seems to imply user error LOL.
Of course, I'll keep y'all updated through it.