I personally like all of your ideas!
Thank you Mr. Niceguy for testing CE24's recommendation.
I don't necessarily plan on bringing and using this in the movie theater, but I think the idea of having the possibility to go full stealth, save the smell, is a great one. Sometimes my college has movie nights outside. No staff around but I wouldn't want people asking questions either, that would be the perfect situation. After all, all I have is a pen in my pocket
Rather than a sock, if you have eyeglasses or are like me and really really like to keep your computer screen dust free, a microfiber cloth to wrap around the device? I don't know if oils from our fingers leave prints on the device, though if it does I will certainly be using the microfiber just to wipe it down.
Edit: Also the skirt seems like a hilariously wonderful idea. 1 thing, the light would probably then be directed up or down depending on which way it's facing. Possibly a flashlight effect.... But then our Grasshopper is a flashlight!