With regards to the lighting, I am worried about a hot unit regardless of where the heated vapor path is. It looks like the light shares the air intake holes. How do you guys feel about intake air going over potentially hot electronics.
Also, the whole brass heater thing makes me hesitate.
Grab a Zion for instant convection without form factor convenience. Small trade off while you wait for your GH. Plus... kinda nice to have lifetime warranties from two different companies and have two game changing vapes at your disposal when one (likely the GH) needs to be sent in! Plus you could have both for the price of one mighty I believe.

Well this looks like a nice little toy. It seems like every time I look there is a new vaporizer out there; it's becoming hard to decide. I want a grasshopper, but this Zion looks nice too. The shape of the Grasshopper is real cool, but not a requirement for me. The glass vapor path on the Zion is appealing too. I need to to a little more looking, but this one seems like it could contend with the Grasshopper for first place while the Crafty and Prima fight over second place.
I've been lurking the Prima board and I just glossed over the Zion board and so far they seem worth it. What are your complaints? Aside from air quality (separate from vapor quality), on demand heat is my only real desire.
I'm not knocking the Grasshopper either, but there's too much uncertain about it for me. After my whole firefly debacle, I am a little more cautious about a new vaporizer.