A friend who I feel like a brother to, sent me a front piece, as quick as you please!
He's member here who actually came to visit me here in Tucson about a year and a half ago.
Today I tried the Grasshopper for the first time. Wow!
I often film (hey wait a minute....it is not "film".. do I just say I videoed myself?)
anyway I sit in front of a computer and I take a test hit.
Up ahead a few words, you will see my first hit on the Grasshopper.
Those who know me know I have Titles and usually music in my videos.
This is a Vaporist TV blooper, sort of.
I did not edit it or add music, so you could hear my totally toasted mumblings as I went to shut the video on the computer.
P.S. Look at my dull witted eyes at the very end!!