Old & In the Way
I knew this is not the correct word, but Google let me think otherwiseHow do you call in English the thing you stick on wounds? Adhesive bandage? Patch? Sticking plaster? It's seems to be made of cotton and is really bad at transmitting heat [to your lips], so that's perfect for prolonged native use
I use it also as a glass seal:
\That works too. Yes, it’s called an adhesive strip or band-aid. Very clever! Someone mentioned a while back plumbers tape, sold on Amazon or in any hardware store, which also will work. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s on my list to obtain to better mate the Hopper and glass stems to glass rigs, water pipes, etc.
My two older Hopper batteries aren’t yielding much these days and the death knell is near for both. I’m using 2 of 5 new batteries in rotation and carefully monitoring them despite HL’s recommendation to dispose of them (I’d been using all 5 for a couple of weeks without issue before the fire; the other 3 and now a couple of additional ones given to me by a friend, are resting in kitty litter). My repaired Hopper continues to shine and work so damn well, using it daily. I may pull another batt or two from kitty litter storage and include them in rotation since I use my Hopper heavily. Cheers.
EDIT: something like this:
I don't think the image that @YetAnotherUsername posted is what we call a "band-aid". I guess, as a first-aid tape it does have adhesive on it. It comes in a roll and is used when dressing a wound, to hold gauze in place.
I do wonder if it is heat safe.