@biohacker ,good day brother! Just to say that I am tolerating the Elev8r surprisingly well as I am getting it instinctively dialled in over the week.
Now I am loving the pure taste. Im browning my loads much more gradually and it is keeping the vapor smoother. Just slightly less heating (no set time, just intutive but consistent).
And I can get a very good feel for where it is at by holding the heater up to my chin or hand (but be careful if you try this- this vape makes me wobble and I damn well toiched the glass on my cheek due to medicatedness

My tolerance of the Elev8r has improved a ton this week as I have really hammered the infections. I swear there is 70% LESS infection in my lungs now, than 7 days ago.
It is also getting a feel for it. I am hitting the sweet spot for clouds of very smooth, incredible tasting vapor with ease now. Im surprised how well I have it dialled in.
Technique wise- it's actually easier for me than heating the vapcap! More flexible, less specific. Just spread the heat a bit and nothing can go wrong. It is much harder for me to get decent, satisfying hits from my Omnivap consistently without going too hot, taste and harshness wise (ESPECIALLY when dry).
The Elev8r is making it very easy the last 2 days to replicate smooth, tasty (10× more than vapcap) and very large hits without any bad ones!
It is giving me very close to what the SH and GS offered, effect wise (and taste when dialled in), but not making my life hell with that awful reaction! It just isn't doing it, whatever "it" is.
However, Im not wantinf to get your hopes up that you won't have any issue with the pure convection. I accept my crazy respiratory allergies and still choose to vaporize. Unusual case, but I manage the symptoms thoroughly like I do anyway with food etc.
Too Elev8d bro to get this thought out.

It is hard for me to see all that is going on inside. So variable and complex- infections, die-off, allergies, foods, etc.
So I may just be accepting the pure convection type irritation you suffer from as part of my allergies, and just working around it, if you get me-Just trying to be dead honest with myself and with you mainly.
Today my level of comfort right now, after Elev8r, no symptoms even managed yet- is amazing!
Monday it was 10/10 discomfort.
Now- gosh, hard to say. All I know is that I am aware of the usual "allergy", like I didn't get away with it, but it is almost unimportant to me.This is due to infections down at minute.
The point: 100% convection- very close function and effects/experience to both SH and GS.
But NOT making my life hell at all! I would be so unhappy and debilitated right now from those vapes. (Not vape bashing people, just me and
@biohacker 's crazy vape intolerances).
All said, now Im dialled in better, until I get my Herbo Ti...
The Elev8r is the best vaporizer I have right now- for taste, smoothness, ease of actual inhalation (another thing I love about it- much easier for me than GS and FP), and most of all effects!
Sorry to go on guys/girls. Just very high, and so happy I can breathe so well for the moment to enjoy my vaporizers.
Elev8r rocks!

Spread the word, thanks for watching.