alright guys, well i have been reading all the posts from you all, its been nice reading what everyone has got to say, i have had my air a while now and have put her through many tests. ive been enjoying this vape so much its probably why i haven't posted anything at all, no time, yes, this tool is quite impressive.
i got all black, the first ones, with no battery check, i did get a long solo stem as well but i never use it.. i do also have a mouthpiece-less stem, the 70mm one i think and i really enjoy that one as well. i also got a spare battery and while two batteries cuts it close, i can do it. i will for sure get a third.
i don't know if i have really anything new to add to the discussion other than another totally amazing reaction from yet another person, i love this thing so much. i use it anytime and anywhere.
i wanted to share how i use it based that its on for 10 minuets. usually i can't finish a whole stem in the 10 minuets, i mean, i can but the reason i say i can't and usually don't is because there is still vapour to be had from this vape after the 10 minuet mark, and for the bowl size and so, i think that is one of the greatest things about it.
i turn it on, my favourite temp to start is white, and do that till it fees right, tends to be about 3 minuets after the blue heating light goes solid.. and then ill turn the unit off, and just turn it back on again and let it turn itself of the second time but on the second round ill start on white, then bump up through green, or go directly to yellow/red to finish off.. i guess i can do this 4 times perhaps 5 with one battery so im pretty happy.
for getting just a bit more vapour if you think its done, what i do is kind of "walk" the stem, thats a paintball term for when you "walk the trigger" its a two finger action to be able to really let the paint balls fly, and i just kind of do that on the stem while its in the unit for a few seconds from one side, then the other, sometimes i just take the stem out upside down and just flick it like that as well, the contents seems to jumble around, so i figured it jumbles around as well when the stem is in there, it seems to get you a few more alright little clouds if you are able to mix it up right..
i find it really does the job extraction wise.. of course it seems to be that the darkest parts of the material are the ones closest to the bottom of the chamber.. i don't get a uniform bake in the sense that the bottom is usually quite dark, almost black haha, probably because im no stranger to the yellow and red temps when finishing off stems, but the rest of the ABV is a nice coffee brown.. i guess thats how it should be.
reaction from other people: when im out and about on the streets its really nice to use, people don't look twice, otherwise im just at home or at university. ive been out at bars and stuff, most people think at first its a e cig. im like yep, its just about the most magical e cig money can by... and im really the only one in my circle of friends who has a machine like this so far but they all seem to be fairly impressed, not just with in how well it works but design, size, and the aura of it all, this microheater really takes you to 2015 and beyond..
lastly i just wanted to share that today, and THIS is why i wanted to finally log in and write all this, i actually dropped my air whilst standing on a stone wall, with ought the skin, i can't be sure but it was at least more than 6 feet, onto a ceramic garden pot, and then she tumbled to the ground that was brick..
there i was all spaced out and somehow the darn thing slipped from my hand, it landed around the back where the charging port was, im guessing on the rim of the pot, then it must have flipped off that and tumbled to the ground.. somewhere between all that tumbling the stem , the ALL MIGHTY SHORTY

, actually ejected from the unit itself and i found it laying, thank GOD, all in one piece, although the black mouthpiece has a scuff. the unit also has some dings, not like indentations, but just scratches, so it really held up great in accordance..
after while inspecting the stem and the air my hands and fingers were seriously trembling, i was really put through some sort of shock watching it tumble to the ground into the blackness of the night..
anyway, im glad to report that other than scratches it seems to be fine. the unit even stayed on when i dropped it, and i haven't noticed anything different since using it after the 'incident'
hmm what else.. to get more airflow i just gently twist the stem, holding the glass, up out of the unit a fraction of a mm, i only have to really do this with the short no mouth piece tipped stem though..
overheating on this unit? has not yet happened to me, and like i said before i almost exclusively use it the way described above.. sometimes i even wait around the 5 or 6 minuet mark to shut it off and start right up again, just depends how many times ive ripped it.
i guess thats it! hope it was enjoyable to read, it was hard to write, but im pretty sure that is sir air's fault.
my ONLY question is this, even though i dropped it and so on, if it still works and turns on and heats is there anything to be worried about? specifically cracked parts pertaining to heating elements and so on.. i know that the heating element is ceramic, im worried that somehow it has a crack and if this would have any affect on the unit or be hazardous to me??
Cooch it!!