Enter the Dragon
You might want to remember that for another reason. There's a lot of folks around here that'll swear it didn't happen. It's impossible, don't you know......if you let it just sit there hot all the useful stuff gets lost. This mostly comes from folks looking for a reason their vape is better than yours of course, but they persist.
The first place I recall it being discussed was on the PD thread. Guys would put a loaded stem in and get distracted and yet still get a solid hit or two the next day. The PD is on full time, that means it 'cooked' for 8 hours..... Not ideal of course, but still potent. It was also discussed on the HA thread a while back when I used to read that one, but was dismissed somewhat when guys objected it was a convection vape?
I've tried all 3 experiments over the years and my experience squares with yours. Not something you want to do, but not a disaster either.
I think what happens is pretty clear. Absent airflow to sweep it out, the vapor simply condenses somewhere else handy, at least the heavier parts (like THC). The THC isn't being destroyed chemically, and it can't escape, it's gotta still be there.....
Thanks for the observation, IMO an important one.
When you think about it logically it makes perfect sense