Well-Known Member
Well, this arrived quicker than I expected! It's absolutely perfect as well. No crookedness, no raised spots on the tip. It's nice having 18mm joint so I dont have to use reducer, its a bit longer and with bumps that make pulling it out easier, the airflow is a bit higher, and this shorty version is the perfect size for the loads I normally pack. Very glad I chose turbo and shorty!
Really nice, i have the right one (nice skullhead btw.

A few hits more and you can collect your residue.
Days ago i have collect my first residue with the scraper tool from arizer and i have build little "wax balls" and put it on aluminum foil.
Then i have used my AVB to make me a sandwich in the stem (avb, collected residue, avb and a mesh on the top).
Cant say it often enough: Be carefull with the amount of residue you use, it could really fuck you up!

Its like vaping very good hash or oil and get me a more indica like high but maybe thats because of the strain i vape atm. I think i have overloaded my stem a bit so i lay on the couch for about 2-3 hours, i did not even expected that strong effect

Maybe i try the iso-alcohol method someday to really collect all of my residue, but for now i will scrape my stems before i simmer them slightly in milk and after that i clean the rest with a bit alcohol, its really fertile!.
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