Long Island, NY
I sold my splinter to get the "Z" I might have to pick up a splinter again, I miss her.
You won't miss her once you try the Z.

I sold my splinter to get the "Z" I might have to pick up a splinter again, I miss her.
AFAIK, the Z's a 22mm joint length while the Splinter is 19mm.
Is there a noticeable performance difference? Bigger must be better, right?? Right? Haha
Being a light user, is there any reason I should or shouldn’t go for the v2 Z over the regular splinter? My check boxes are flavor, low temp efficiency, and quick occasional on-demand use. Clearly getting the best convection experience means giving up stealth and portability, so the larger size of the z it ain’t no thang
Ideally you want one of each since the Z is capable of the best flavor while the Splinter is quicker to heat up. I'd recommend a V2 and a ZV2.
I remembered why I didn't want to fuck with a double barrel: no micro usb.
I'm spoiled by having several dna mods of varying quality and I prefer to charge my batteries in the device rather than always popping them out and using my four bay Opus charger.
Ok my friends mod boxes are in the classifieds,
Where?Ok my friends mod boxes are in the classifieds,
they all basically function the same in watts modes, I guess you can tweak them to your hearts desire. honestly I want to keep them all! they all are so nice in there own way but I only want to keep 2 so while one is charging the other will be ready to go. I kept the 2 that felt the best in my big ass hands, the voopoo x12 awesome light show and the wismec dna200.That was a fast decision! Nice I would love to hear the differences
Hello, sorry "v2" is difficult to search for in this thread. What is the difference between the Splinter Z and the Z V2? The v2 costs quite a bit less!
Regular Z is a custom Z, using exotic wood made by RBT in the US (I believe they still use mica insulators in the heater). ZV's are made using standard wood and are manufactured in China (they use ceramic insulators in the heater), ZV1 is bubinga and ZV2 is blackwood with smoked glass. Then regular Splinter V2 is blackwood with smoked glass and ceramic insulator, but with the smaller simpler Milaana heater as opposed to the larger more complex Zion heater that's found in all the SplinterZ's.
Thanks @Shit Snacks , you're a wealth of inofrm
Thanks Snacks, you're always a wealth of information. Saw a post where you prefer the flavor from your mica unit and Krazy preferred his ceramic. Any other thoughts on ceramic vs mica?
Also read something about the ZV's breaking glass more easily, has this been rectified?
Do you access this by clicking on his story?RBT has an IG stream up wherein he assembles custom splinters. Informative.
Thanks. I did figure it out and will watch the stream a bit later.@jbm, you have to have the app installed, be registered & following rastabuddhatao. Then you will see the circles along the top of your feed. The streams are the ones with the red play arrow in them - like youtube. (After you view a stream, the arrow will turn grey so you know you already accessed it.) The stories don't have arrows in them. a mod I think I’m going with the
Reuleaux RX GEN3 for its price and popularity, since I guess the Evic dual has been discontinued.
What are the best online retailers of box mods in the us?