splinter z

  1. 9

    Beginner asks: Splinter Z or Stempod OG

    Hello all, Complete newcomer to dry herb vaping.. Have been smoking for half my life on daily basis and as affordable vaporizers have reached some decency in terms of performance, I've started considering giving vaporizing a go. Please note: I did notice there was already a post about stempod...
  2. K

    Splinter Z vs Iheat. The ultimate showdown

    Very little information available pertaining to how these two devices stack up against each other, so why not settle it here? To all of whom who have owned both. Which do you prefer and why?
  3. K

    Need help choosing a portable vaporizer

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a vaporizer that is convection based, can load large amounts (0.25~ at least), has high extraction, is low maintenence/easy to clean, good efficiency, compatible with dosing caps or something similar, and offers good aftermarket options for water, preferably...
  4. Summer

    Discontinued Splinter Z by RBT

    I asked Ryan last week if it was OK to start a thread for the Splinter Z & he said yes, but I figured I'd wait a bit. Well, thanks to @kuzko posting on the Splinter thread that the Zs are now up for sale, it's time. https://www.rastabuddhatao.com/category-s/136.htm Here's an informative...
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