Ok Ive been rocking the splinter z in wattage mode on my wismec and loving it..
But you also wonder is there more, is there is a better way? so I order a paranormal dna250 mod to try TC,
Any tips on the best way to set this thing up? What settings are people using?
Use escribe on a computer to install the ecigprofile and theme linked in my post from a few pages back. Also find the tab with the puff timer setting and change it from ten to twenty seconds.
Thanks for the tips, it has certainly helped me get started.
Im finding TC mode a lot harder to set up. Using the splinter z profile Im getting very wispy hits.
Im not sure if I have loaded the right profile on it or how best to set it up.
What settings do I need to adjust? In TC mode do you still pulse the fire button or just hold it down?
What settings are others using?
@phattpiggie: that's one advantage of the Splinter/Milaana/Zion over their direct competition, the heater and complete air path are surrounded by a glass tube (the base of the standard taper GonG joint), there's no wood directly exposed to the vapor, just a minimal surface where cold air enters.
Now if you use a wooden stem, that's a different story. I don't like those personally, for many reasons, including the one you cited.
If the Paranormal has the correct HerbieVonVapster ecigprofile (i.e. the Z one for DNAc mods) then you should only need to adjust the resistance until the temp range you want to use is performing how you'd like.
What was the cold ohms reading when your mod first read your Z? If it's .39 when you first connect it and the TC performance is wispy then just bump the resistance to .4ohms and then if that doesn't work try .41.
My ZV1 had more open airflow than my other Splinters and wasn't producing dense vapor until I accepted the initial cold resistance of .475ohms, which is way higher than my other Zs, all of which are in the .4 to .42 range. The ZV1 is dreamy now and I haven't touched any settings apart from the temp.
Do you also have Frank's theme installed? The lock screen is ugly but the main screen puts more useful things right up front.
Herbie also created some cool, warm, and hot material files to use with his ecigprofiles which you can import using escribe and select from where it says "SplinterZ" at the bottom of the screen in the pic above, but I don't want you to get confused or frustrated fucking with those right out of the gate.
So for now just bump the resistance a few times, keeping it unlocked, and then try the same range of temps. A warmed up Z should have no trouble chugging out vapor from fresh weed and with your Paranormal you can run it normal or on the hot side with nothing but a resistance tweak and still have super even TC performance with no hot spots or scorching. It'll just be a matter of personal preference at that point.
If the Z is your Mad Max survival vehicle the resistance is the nitrous noz and you can reach for it whenever you want the heater to be more aggressive.
With the puff timer extended to 20 seconds I just hold the fire button and never really have to get on and off it like an unregulated device.Thanks for your help, Ive got it working very nicely now!
Do you just hold the fire button down or pulse it?
That's well said. I have that wenge Drone combo too and I couldn't be happier with it.Trying to get the ecig crowd aboard the Z train.
That's well said. I have that wenge Drone combo too and I couldn't be happier with it.
I get off a literal train in about 45 mins. Then it's on to uploading ecig profiles!Trying to get the ecig crowd aboard the Z train.
Good work. Find the tab in escribe to bump the puff timer to twenty seconds too while you're at it.Hmm. So I'm pretty terrible at figuring this out. I've got escribe software open. I chose load profile from bottom left corner. I load the ecig file I had downloaded... I switch to the themes tab, chose load theme, then I chose the Frank's theme and select ok... My computer shows the Franks theme, but nothing changes on my mod. I've loaded the theme but nada. How do I know if the herbievonvapter profile is actually on there? It doesn't mention that title anywhere?
Replay. What mode should be used? Nickel, titanium, ss316, kanthal, replay? I'm so confused But I know it's simple
I've got it... Upload settings to device!
Now I need to fivhre out what settings work. Thanks
done!Find the tab in escribe to bump the puff timer to twenty seconds too while you're at it
There's a place to turn off the "check atomizer" option so it doesn't keep bugging you about that. It can be persistent otherwise, yeah.done!
I played with the ohms setting and I was asked 'resample coil' yes/no.
It wouldn't let me chose no. So I guess that's normal to resample the coil?
hmmmm, thats off the Mi3 preorder too? that'd put it less than first first preorder... damn...Hey!
code: fchalloween for 20% off your order! Happy Halloween!