Vapo Rising
@Obsessed 2 , thank you for watching and for your support ! no worries about not commenting, I completely understand. Its nice hearing of your intent to do so , thank you !
I've not had the pleasure of trying a 2 vent holes Lil' Bud yet. I don't see it "changing the game" much versus a 3 hole LB . When using the LB outdoors , I usually cover the front vent hole with my finger regardless . I do release it for a few seconds prior the ending my draw mind you..
The 2 holes are perhaps more "user friendly" versus the early 3 holes LB version . It's not that the 3rd hole isn't useful, it's just not completely necessary for the LB to perform at its peak ..
I think , assumptions... hard to know without having tried a 2 holed version . even taping or blocking it wouldn't feel right being it wasn't conceived that way, know what I mean? I've been wondering myself how a 2 hole LB "feels". same for the angled vent holes I've yet to see and try. the improved post crimping & soldering too..
Haven't had soup in awhile but I'm a keep working hard, taking the blows and vaping on ! Lol.
I've not had the pleasure of trying a 2 vent holes Lil' Bud yet. I don't see it "changing the game" much versus a 3 hole LB . When using the LB outdoors , I usually cover the front vent hole with my finger regardless . I do release it for a few seconds prior the ending my draw mind you..
The 2 holes are perhaps more "user friendly" versus the early 3 holes LB version . It's not that the 3rd hole isn't useful, it's just not completely necessary for the LB to perform at its peak ..
I think , assumptions... hard to know without having tried a 2 holed version . even taping or blocking it wouldn't feel right being it wasn't conceived that way, know what I mean? I've been wondering myself how a 2 hole LB "feels". same for the angled vent holes I've yet to see and try. the improved post crimping & soldering too..
Haven't had soup in awhile but I'm a keep working hard, taking the blows and vaping on ! Lol.