Weird given hazes outcome so many of you are flocking to a company doing the exact same thing.............lolz.
Trying to find a link to resident Pipes' "The Project" but can't seem to find it (maybe he took it downWeird given hazes outcome so many of you are flocking to a company doing the exact same thing.............lolz.
For what it's worth guys I will say again that the Aero is seeming like a solid option. I know its not on demand, but with the dual bowls and (session) convection it is feeling pretty nice so far. It might do what I wanted from the Square even better actually. Battery life is solid and the company is strong (new FocusVape, now run by an industry vet and they have their own factory) all for less than $130 is what clinches it I think.
I do need more time with it, but they are available now so I figured I'd mention it here again for anyone who might be interested... A simple shareable powerful portable with dual bowls an good support
Was looking at that one. Just don’t like how it’s not on demand. And the bowls are huge. Square bowls were too big for me too sadly.
Yeah, I feel you since I had been exclusively on demand for years, but sometimes a session style can be nice too (been enjoying the Fury2 for that previously with glass stem mostly, would like to try the Fierce). Bowl size too, since I mainly use glass stem vapes I too am predisposed toward microdosing, but it is not always ideal for sharing... I of course also prefer the glass for taste.
Square bowls were also want to big for me, and tough to get most out of them. These bowls are big too it is true, but smaller than the Square and more thorough as well. Finally the mighty dosing capsules apparently fit perfectly so that could help? I have never used them but I will try microdosing again in my Aero with a screen on top or something else maybe...
Fully understand what you mean about passing shit around. Back in my day we did bongs with one hitters. Schums or what ever people called em. Not poppers. Not tobacco and we had no issues repacking bongs. I feel on demand good size pods would provide the same blazing style.
Are the SQ batteries the same as the Duals?
Seems like Haze may have tried to stay afloat by cutting production cost, here and there?
The Sq was prolly their “wholly” grail, but substandard production caved in the company?
Too bad, Haze was unique, Haze was (almost) great.
I recommend a Splinter, Lil Bud, or Tubo for on demand convection. My Splinter Z on a cheap dna250 holds the top spot for me right now. Not as portable as the Square of course. The Lil Bud is probably the most portable of my convection I need to get something new ....hopefully with better results!
This is gonna hurt two units with two new batteries made it thru a few.pods and nothing....tried everything.yesterday and today.....even Sent to 480 for a two hits then cold unit.....cold after 480????? Well I posted this earlier
What's new in this version
Version 1.3.1 - Reverse Restore Defaults Presets Version 1.3.0 - New Setting # Titles Added. Version 1.1.0 - New Default Settings - Better Temperature Accuracy Version 1.0.0 - First public release - Please give feedback on how to make the app better! Version 0.9.2 - Initial full feature test release.
After going to 480 and unit be cool not warm to hot......I believe the units went out with inaccurate temps settings....when probs raised they did firmware which says "better temperature accuracy version" which may be why units were combusting....but apparently their new change was causing issues and they went to default to try and fix via frimware.....which ended up being unfixable via firmware and there we are....
Regardless of.exactly.what it was .....for those of you that were right about haze again I am sorry.... you were I need to get something new ....hopefully with better results!