"May" is the truth - sorry you find it offensive. It also may not apply to anyone here. How do I know?
But it implies something that would probably be offensive to Gwenneth Paltrow.
"May" is the truth - sorry you find it offensive. It also may not apply to anyone here. How do I know?
You don't! (but I'm not)How do I know for sure you are not a competitor just here to cast doubts on a great product? See what I did there?
No, that's not how electrons work. If it's better (and I suspect it's not really) it is only because you now have more metal to metal contact. Any gap big enough to hold any grease would stop the electrons anyway, they're really kinda bitty you know.
My guess is as the threads got eaten away less and less was making contact (your unit was degrading from stock). Well done (and we've no reason to think otherwise) threads are designed to have maximum direct metal to metal contact......which is why they're used for such applications.
If other systems worked better they'd be use instead.
I never felt my unit was degrading from stock in terms of electron flow, although if that were the case then that is another problem with the non-anodized threads constantly shedding metal. And I agree if it is better now as it "seems" to be, then that is probably due to increased metal-to-metal contact as I originally stated. Good point about a gap big enough to hold grease is not in contact anyway (sarcasm diminished my appreciation of it however).
Again, I do love the FV but I am not going to blow smoke up the readers asses when I believe there is a real issue. I get no freebies so I feel unencumbered giving the unvarnished truth.
Not saying that anyone who gets a unit for beta testing will cover up or lie when their is a real issue. However, the reason Consumer Reports is valued is because they take no compensation from the companies they review. Also, Amazon Vine reviewers are commonly ridiculed because they seem so over-the-top in the pocket of their freebie providers. CNET now is also tarnished for playing favorites. Perception is critical when giving reviews, so I am stating out front I get no freebies. Those that get freebies may or may not be compromised, but with me there is no worry - not even the chance somebody bought my integrity. The way review journalism usually works among the respected outlets is that the reviewer has to return the test item after they finish the review.
"May" is by nature a conditionality, thereby eliminating its possibility of being "truth" (e.g. The apple MAY be red. Seeing as no one has seen the apple, however, we have no way of verifying the statement. Since the apple cannot be both red and not red, the previous statement (the apple may be red) has no intrinsic truth-value). Logic aside, you seem to be the only individual who has experienced the threading issue to such a degree. Now, we don't know this for sure, but based on the evidence presented by this community, it's certainly not the norm. So this talk of "truth" seems unwarranted......
That's the full context of your statement. You're responding to OF, who is easily the most public beta tester on FC. He's writing in defense of FlashVAPE and you don't want to say that he's being influenced by a free FV, so you chose to generalize with a little innuendo, in the process slurring beta testers. Instead of apologizing as you should, you try to justify your generalization.
Now you're reducing it to "No offense but..." and then proceeding to offend. You're not saying anyone in particular is covering up or lying but by the way, look at all these people who do. All right, just what did you mean by your remark? If it's not a generalization you must have had someone in mind.
You're right - that was an awkward way of saying it. Since it is an OR condition however, one side of the "may or may not" has to be true. I should have said "are or are not" to get super-logical, but I think you get my drift.
I meant my statement "May is the truth" was awkward.The "awkward way of saying it" comes from my degree in philosophy. And yes, one side of a conditional must be true, so long ss there are sufficient premises. In your case, however, you have no further valid premises to give you your "truth".
To everyone else: has there been a method of rigging the FV to a bong/bubbler discovered yet? I don't recall seeing anything in the thread thus far about it.
To everyone else: has there been a method of rigging the FV to a bong/bubbler discovered yet? I don't recall seeing anything in the thread thus far about it.
Honestly I don't read the forum often enough to have any particular suspects. Nothing personal against OF - sorry you took the shrapnel. However, when I'm reporting something I feel is important and getting so much resistance, then yes, perception comes into play and I do have a sneaking suspicion that some may not want to rock the boat. Not silence me but also not encourage me. But I will also say that my suspicion could be totally wrong.
I meant my statement "May is the truth" was awkward.
I ran a piece of SSV tubing from my FV with the Stage-2 kit installed, straight into an EHLE that I have and it worked great. I believe LeTchen ran a smaller sized tubing from the stem to a small bubbler as well.
Oh excellent! I just got a small stemless tube for my solo. Looks like I need to find some tubing![]()
Ideally if you can find a diameter that will fit the stem snug, that would be best. With the larger SSV tubing that I used, I had to hold it in place.
Not wanting to add fuel to the flames but I thought that Kemplers comments were reasonable and some beta testers seem overly defensive.
I am waiting on delivery of one of these vapes and I want clear and honest discussion as it ultimately aids development.
Not wanting to add fuel to the flames but I thought that Kemplers comments were reasonable and some beta testers seem overly defensive.
I am waiting on delivery of one of these vapes and I want clear and honest discussion as it ultimately aids development.
I've also got to say I hate it when the forums "top boys" gang up on people . Seen it on many other forums heavy handed mod bullying. Shame really
You don't want to add fuel to the fire, but you are going to anyway? Guess what? That breaks several of our rules:Not wanting to add fuel to the flames but I thought that Kemplers comments were reasonable and some beta testers seem overly defensive.
I am waiting on delivery of one of these vapes and I want clear and honest discussion as it ultimately aids development.
I've also got to say I hate it when the forums "top boys" gang up on people . Seen it on many other forums heavy handed mod bullying. Shame really
Al, it's not a point of being able to vent or not. We should absolutely post if there are negative experiences with a vape. But when a member starts pointing fingers at others and saying they are being duplicitous, and then goes on to say that the forum and the mods try to perpetuate the lies .... that's another story. And then, when we try to keep it real here, we are accused of being "heavy handed" or "bullying." That's total bullshit and it really pisses me off.pakalolo I do see your point I truly do.
But I agree what he said.
Im still very interested in the Flashvape, and want to know everything about it Positive and Negative.
Maybe Kempler got a bad one.
But,true unless you know the beta tester then it is a weak/accusing comment.
I did read all the posts and see where the offensive comments were made, Only Kempler can say if he was zeroing anyone out.
If I had a problem for a new product Id sure want to vent it out some place too.
And I am not stating that anyone in this Flashvape thread is defending anything But i think he was doing just that,venting.
I will say I would have sent a few pictures to Davinci also though so they could see whats up.
pakalolo I do see your point I truly do.
But I agree what he said.
Im still very interested in the Flashvape, and want to know everything about it Positive and Negative.
Maybe Kempler got a bad one.
But,true unless you know the beta tester then it is a weak/accusing comment.
I did read all the posts and see where the offensive comments were made, Only Kempler can say if he was zeroing anyone out.
If I had a problem for a new product Id sure want to vent it out some place too.
And I am not stating that anyone in this Flashvape thread is defending anything But i think he was doing just that,venting.
I will say I would have sent a few pictures to Davinci also though so they could see whats up.
I did read all the posts and see where the offensive comments were made, Only Kempler can say if he was zeroing anyone out.
If I had a problem for a new product Id sure want to vent it out some place too.
And I am not stating that anyone in this Flashvape thread is defending anything But i think he was doing just that,venting.
I will say I would have sent a few pictures to Davinci also though so they could see whats up.
Understood, but this isn't the 'vent on vapes you don't like Forum'. The established goal here is "engaging and intelligent discussion". More over there are rules about attacking products and companies that one could argue was at least starting to happen. That's a Mod call, of course, but IMO there may be cause for some concerns there.
As I see it, this is not 'a bully pulpit' to address grievances (although that's a natural thing to want to do sometimes) but a Forum for the exchange of useful advice to those with common interests. Attacks belong elsewhere, generally?
Finally, I'm not sure what DV (being a different maker in a different hemisphere) has to do with this. I also disagree, there are at least two guys who might have an insight into who was being accused of being on the take here......I'll pass on that.
I agree with you though (if I read you correctly) it could have been done better.