Lol, knew I shoulda used lots of Smilies! I'm not bitter, certainly not sweating semantics; thought you knew me better?! I am scared of that down the road 15-20 years, I want to be the kooky but nice old guy not an angry, entitled old guy. I've nearly died on 7 occasions since age 20, the last 30 years is really all gravy for me. I try to remember that. I want wrinkles that say I smiled and laughed a lot, and that's not happening if "vake" really pisses me off. I just been going between 3 devices all night tonight & feeling a bit sassy!

I just like goofing around here, and I love a good rant! You made me laugh: "mean like me" Yep, that's your reputation. Just the other day I heard somebody say, "That
@ataxian is mean!" LOL, it always kills me when I see you in one thread or another, explaining: "I'm a PRICK of MISERY!" I so want to steal that line and put it on a t-shirt. Thanks btw for saying I'm an Outstanding FCer, that is HUGE praise coming from a legend like yourself. I found an old
Ataxian for President thread the other day, how great is that? I only hope I've got the time left to pay back all the goodness that's been shown to me, it's a lot.
Found a reason this evening to own more than one VapCap: SPEED-ROUNDS! Of course I only have 2, so immediately thought of
@Squiby and her collection. And what it would mean to own that many & play my stupid juvenile "game". I figure with a
@Pipes IH, I could manage 3 VCs per hand/foot; I'm fairly confident I can manage to insert the VCs in my hands fairly easily. The feet & toe coordination is going to need practice. Lots of practice. And yoga & stretching. More practice. It's good to have goals. Meaningful goals. Pretty much add cannabis to any activity and my commitment level goes waaaay up! Gotta go play with my VapCaps so I can crash, I've got the dreaded 2am second-wind and you poor folks are paying for it. Apologies!
We still love you
@cybrguy don't beat yourself up! You're only a human bean. Did you feel baked? Or just gross? Bet you remember the VC next time!
@TXvaper Welcome to the thread, glad you stepped out of the shadows! I'm maybe not the best representative but there are plenty of nice, relatively normal folks. Well, if you've been reading then it's no good lying... We're all mad here! But mostly for VapCaps. Just did the M to Omni thing myself, isn't it amazing that it does set itself apart? The whole experience. Anyway, I'm glad you're planning on sticking around in 2018. We need more fanatics or I'll just write stupidly long posts that go nowhere.
PS Massive Thanks to
@VapCap & Max (and everyone really) at DV for everything in 2017!