I'd get baked with anyone here!
Thanks for all the info and good times everyone. Awesome group on this whole site, unlike any other forum I've been part of.
Good Ol' SloJim - Equal Opportunity Baker! I love your attitude, always up for good times. TBperfectlyH, it was Monsieur Fizz himself that got me into this club. Without his testimonial, they never would have let me in. As it was, that entrance exam was a bitch, right? Right everybody?!

But yeah SJF's right, it is a great group; but IMO SJF will always be one of the greatest!
@Dynalowrider You sir, have been one of my great teachers here. I like how you'll say "I can't tell you how to do it. I can only tell you how I do it" But then I have seen you explain something in different ways for different members and I think it's a sign of a good teacher. Anyone who's read the thread knows we're the ones who are fortunate to have you around. The fact you consider us your friends is an honour for me.
Not sure if my spine could cope right now but I'd love to do a jig with Ms
@Squiby but stepping out in -72 below? (I know it's -27) That's just brutal, I might shatter. I'll be taking turns with SloJim blowing in the exhaust fan! I think it's wonderful that y'all get together and party and LIVE despite the weather.
On the metric system: I lived 40 years (more or less) in the US, then moved to UK. I believe that having to learn the metric system was good for my brain's plasticity. The metric systems far more precise and easier in some ways, that's why the military uses it. Of course in England, the road signs here are in miles and you have the good ol' Imperial Pint down the pub so there
are exceptions. My boys were quite little when we moved and still asking a million questions and all of the sudden there were insects, birds, animals and trees that I couldn't identify. I had to learn, not only to be SuperDad but also simply because it was all around me! Taking that 40 year-old brain & forcing it out of its comfort zone was invigorating for me, but maybe that would not for everyone. Dang it you guys, I enjoy our tagents as well as the VC talk! PEACE
One of the great strengths of the VC is its ability to be many things to many people. Whether you have a minimalist aesthetic or a collectors mentality, Dynavap has got you covered!