Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
That is extreme conditions.Ice fishing is a lot harder with torches...... let me know if anything works!

I'd be lighting up an ISO camp stove at that point. No joke and have some coffee water going.

Electronics? Well trying to meet two requirements. Off the grid and weather extremes. However the ceramic donut would be good as a general butane-less portable option. For out and about.To address the windproof/freezeproof usage, our pal @stark1 uses a ceramic donut in a Tesla mod for heating his least that is what it appears that he is using......
Do want to continue my quest for both best butane and a small mode heater. Because there is a niche for both.

Well this isn't for me at all. I carry filled tips.Wood, steel, must keep herb fluffy, stuff like that.
I’ll see what I can come up with.
But for say a medical patient who required medical sized portions. That would be my ideal loading system.

If you could have more control as to the amount that drops? or if it tamped things equally after loading.
Reminded me of the Laredo filler machines, even their design is different.
Roll Your Own Magazine, RYO, The Magazine of Roll Your Own Cigarettes, Tobacco and Product Reviews, Smoking Issues, January/March Issue 2001, Make Your Own Cigarettes

Thanks for taking an interest. I can drop off other ideas if it helps the cause.