Inspired by @VapCap evolution, I took a small round hand file to one of my tips. I still need to clean it up an buff it, but it's already working pretty well

from first two test runs:
I got an extra cycle or two, and AVB wasn't as charred as I expected
I felt I could give an extra half second or so past the click, and I did a little - all good (with my triple jet, YMMV)
A/B restriction test on just the tips shows definite but slight airflow improvement. I also made a new @Squiby filter. I used less fiber than my previous ones which also contributed to better airflow. I used to put the first screen in, then a fiber disc, then the next screen, but this time I actually made the whole sandwich outside, then pushed the whole thing in place. Was easier to keep it clean and worked nicely.
It seems there's less conduction since there is less tip contact with the cap, and it does feel a bit more forgiving cap-temperature wise.
Not as harsh, specially second hit. The almost burnt popcorny flavor of the later cycles was less prominent, so flavor is slightly improved.
All in all, I'd say it's more refined. I feel the temp is slightly lower due to decreased tip contact and higher airflow. I like that it's more forgiving and tastes slightly better. It definitely works well and does it job!

So if George did a job anywhere like mine

P.S This was just two test runs, so its early impressions. And even if half the results are placebo, I'm satisfied