Since you are in the EU area I should have access to top quality butane compared to us in the US it seems to least that was my experience trying to get the best here in USA.
Yea, The cigar shop that I get mine told me specifically that. I have Comoy's of London and told me why he carried it.
Oh Joy, My Omni Ti arrived. It's narrower than my M and fits my Stash as opposed to the XL version . Are all the Omni's intentionally this narrow? Can anybody tell me exactly what I bought. I really like the machine work done on it oh and it has 7 fins! Love at first draw and I don't even know how to fully utilize the Omni feature.

Get more taste and less watery vapor.
It isn't just more bling. There is a lot more to the construction that I got with right away. I can even detect the clicks in the body more. KIM I've been using the Ms for over 6 month and upgraded them with Ti tips.
The M is still a good entry VC and might be adequate for some. But the Omni Ti left own it's impression with me right away.
I dont see the use.
I fill my cap straight from the grinder, just like i loaded my arizer solo stems.
Good enough for home. You could even have an ABV 'spitoon'. For that matter.
Some of us are thinking about being far from home and outdoors. Or in my case cold and windy. Or cruising on a mountain bike. Or one of
@Summer 's suggestions. (I do want to try kayacking.)
I even chose to carry tips instead of loose materials. Oh and now I just slide a MP in with my 2 tips in the chamber of my stash instead of using a homemade plug.
Glad your quest for fire worked out with the other torches @MrSifter. Had a hunch that was obstructing your progress and that journey
I think the green and the purple tubes the vapcap comes in are ok to store ground bud in.
something like a doob tube.
I believe they are designed to be smellproof. Just that the hinges tend to wear out quick with me.
I am trying to Figure out what the smaller sized hole is for. ->