
Well-Known Member
Will there be a new thread for the new Dynavap HyperDyn being released tomorrow (the 16th), or will this be the home?



No thoughts, head empty
Will there be a new thread for the new Dynavap HyperDyn being released tomorrow (the 16th), or will this be the home?

I’d assume no since this tip’ll be backwards compatible with the rest of the stems? Not sure how different a device has to be to qualify for its own thread


Will there be a new thread for the new Dynavap HyperDyn being released tomorrow (the 16th), or will this be the home?

They will release just bigger bowl product, however with same principle and questionable compatibility with current IH


Well-Known Member
I'll wait for reviews for hyper, don't really feel the need for bigger bowls right now but took advantage of the discount for another helix to customize.

I'm super interested to see the end result, but I was confounded by the press release. (I write things like that for a living, so I probably hyper focus on the messaging too much.)

IMO focusing on the size of the bowl is a weird headline announcement - I'm not sure it's what anyone was looking for from Dynavap development in a TED market that now has significantly better options available. Especially when one of DV's enduring benefits was its modularity.

Dynavap really quickly just became an entry level TED until you upgrade to a Dani/Anvil/Stunner/TA/Tempest. Which rendered a lot of their high end devices pretty redundant. (IMO the Revolve stem also made pretty much every other stem redundant.)

Titanium and thermal mass is what made all these other ovens better - so why doesn't their press release concentrate on that? Is it that they're still inferior when it comes to thermal mass, thus made up for it with a bigger bowl?

Or did they just literally bury the lede?


Well-Known Member
Some people still like the microdose capabilities of DV and didn’t abandon the platform for bigger is better (which isn’t always true)

I agree with this 100% as a lot of people have other interests and not just buying vapes and weed, spending more and more on herb and devices.

I have a friend like this who is opposite of me. She has 2 DV and only reason for the 2nd one is as a spare. She thinks we are all crazy for buying all this stuff to smoke with and yes she ash tried other vapes just she prefers to stick with the DV and does not want to get drawn into spending lots of money on devices and herb.

I love her for her opinions on this matter but I still hang around with you guys, buying more and more as time goes on :D


cantre member
Some people still like the microdose capabilities of DV and didn’t abandon the platform for bigger is better (which isn’t always true)
it its the onehitter type ritual that keeps me expanding the DynaVArSe sideways! I love setting up 3-5 dyna's with 1/2 bowls because it stays tasty to the end with thorough extraction. and keeps a greatly pleasing variety in my rotation.


Well-Known Member
No bigger bowls for me, thanks. The Dynavap sweet spot is the half-bowl. In that configuration, with the right heating technique (usually a little past the click), a DV is a monster single-hitter. When it extracts all at once, it provides a full-spectrum, conduction-heavy blast--but I find that it's not as effective with a full bowl, even with an FMJ or armored cap. For me, the Dynavap will never be a session vape.


Well-Known Member
I've been happy with the incremental improvements DV has made in recent years and I haven't really looked forward to something like this, mostly because I prefer that Dynavaps remain Dynavaps while others pursue heavier hits or sessions. I love my DVs, and I also love my Anvil and TAs. That said, I'm in. I feel there will still be performance differences between the HyperDyn and the ball-loaded ones especially, so I'm gonna give it a shot. I don't expect it to replace the others, I hope it's something unique to itself.

Ooh neat, was hoping for a dyna tempest but a dyna accumulator seems fun! Wonder how the function will differ and if the new tips will maintain backwards compatibility or if they’ll need a new set of caps to go with? Unibodies seem neat too, but lately haven’t been enjoying my helix as much so might not be worth for me unless they really amp up the convection.
It looks like it's meant more to extend sessions than do giant one-hits; it's backwards compatible at the neck but not at the cap, it's two new pieces (they show a stash, so I assume it fits); I was way off with the unibodies! The convection may actually be amped up as the cap itself has three positions it can adjust to for airflow (the condenser's adjustable too, it might be the MXL condenser?).

Is it that they're still inferior when it comes to thermal mass, thus made up for it with a bigger bowl?
I'm not sure I consider it 'inferior', I think of it as midway between a Convector and an Anvil. They all have different jobs the others don't do as well, and part of that for two of the three is quick heatup and cooldown. It limits the ability to extend hits into a session- or joint-like experience, but the M7 for instance moves a good ways in that direction for a quick heating and cooling device.

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cantre member
wondering if I has a 1/2 bowl setting? would allow a wider flatter weed puck for more, hotter air at once. Might want the helix version:shrug:,
no fumbling:buzz: for the hole on the founder's version, disliked the woodwynd for this reason,
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Well-Known Member
I've been happy with the incremental improvements DV has made in recent years and I haven't really looked forward to something like this, mostly because I prefer that Dynavaps remain Dynavaps while others pursue heavier hits or sessions. I love my DVs, and I also love my Anvil and TAs. That said, I'm in. I feel there will still be performance differences between the HyperDyn and the ball-loaded ones especially, so I'm gonna give it a shot. I don't expect it to replace the others, I hope it's something unique to itself.

It looks like it's meant more to extend sessions than do giant one-hits; it's backwards compatible at the neck but not at the cap, it's two new pieces (they show a stash, so I assume it fits); I was way off with the unibodies! The convection may actually be amped up as the cap itself has three positions it can adjust to for airflow (the condenser's adjustable too, it might be the MXL condenser?).

I'm not sure I consider it 'inferior', I think of it as midway between a Convector and an Anvil. They all have different jobs the others don't do as well, and part of that for two of the three is quick heatup and cooldown. It limits the ability to extend hits into a session- or joint-like experience, but the M7 for instance moves a good ways in that direction for a quick heating and cooling device.

Yeah, I’m in, too. I’m also interested in the spaces between Vapman on the microdose end and Tempest on the slap end.


Well-Known Member
I've been happy with the incremental improvements DV has made in recent years and I haven't really looked forward to something like this, mostly because I prefer that Dynavaps remain Dynavaps while others pursue heavier hits or sessions. I love my DVs, and I also love my Anvil and TAs. That said, I'm in. I feel there will still be performance differences between the HyperDyn and the ball-loaded ones especially, so I'm gonna give it a shot. I don't expect it to replace the others, I hope it's something unique to itself.
@coolbreeze Maaaan I’m so on the fence about the HyperDyn. I do not NEED another vape, got the tempest and you saw that sweet ass setup I have for the anvil, but damn! I like it, and I like conduction. With it being all titanium do you think it’ll hold on to the heat like ss? The site says for “session style” so prob 🤷‍♂️ idk.
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Well-Known Member
@coolbreeze Maaaan I’m so on the fence about the HyperDyn. I do not NEED another vape, got the tempest and you saw that sweet ass setup I have for the anvil, but damn! I like it, and I like conduction. With it being all titanium do you think it’ll hold on to the heat like ss? The site says for “session style” so prob 🤷‍♂️ idk.
Yeah, it's a good question. I'm not sure if the 'session style' refers only to the extra capacity or if the ridges for the adjustable cap are also heat-holding mass, like the bulbous part of the M7 bowl? Maybe both? It'd be cool if they've incorporated that extended hit capability. I think with enough Ti it would work? Otherwise the only real advantage would be not having to empty/repack as often, while one disadvantage would be a longer session after the flavor's gone.


Well-Known Member
I still can't understand the marketing approach of talking more about the bowl size than the titanium.

The big bowl is just so not attractive to me - I've always had my dynavaps in the half bowl setting, I don't imagine this extracting "better" than my Anvil, and if I'm committing 0.25g to one rip it's going in my Screwball, I have zero interest in committing that much to a dynavap.

I was super keen for Dynavaps eventual response to the Anvil and Dani Fusion, but this ain't it :(


Well-Known Member
I still can't understand the marketing approach of talking more about the bowl size than the titanium.

The big bowl is just so not attractive to me - I've always had my dynavaps in the half bowl setting, I don't imagine this extracting "better" than my Anvil, and if I'm committing 0.25g to one rip it's going in my Screwball, I have zero interest in committing that much to a dynavap.

I was super keen for Dynavaps eventual response to the Anvil and Dani Fusion, but this ain't it :(
But I think if you go back through the thread, bowl size and heat retention are the two complaints, with the remedies being the attributes of other vapes. In this case they've satisfied the one major complaint by more than doubling the capacity. The other is somewhat but not entirely addressed with the M7, and perhaps this tip as well. Personally I don't really need/desire the extra capacity so much but I support it wholeheartedly (assuming the new bowl config works as well as the current ones) as it's been requested regularly by many users. I'm also supportive of the M7 because they have made an actual step toward a longer heat-release window. Hopefully they'll figure out ways to continue along these lines if that's what people want without ruining the ability to quickly heat, hit, and stash it. I'd hate to see this replace the traditional bowl/cap but it looks like this is positioned to be an additional vape type.

Edit: just watched George's stream and it does look like HyperDyn's mostly aimed at capacity (including no half-bowl setting), with some extra heat retention/big hit capability from the thicker Ti cap and tip. The overall diameter of the stem, bowl/cap is just under 14mm, the same as the Vong, and will fit current stashes and IHs. The condenser adjusts from a much shorter, more open length than previously available through 7 steps to almost entirely closed off. The mouthpiece makes a decent 10mm connection but the other end of the stem is a dedicated 10mm joint. It's all still modular with the rest of the DV gear with the exception of the caps/tips, which must be paired with the same size. Finally, the finish is a much more durable, scratch-resistant dark grey than the Vong. He also mentioned that the Helix XL might be a future possibility as well as a Stainless bowl and cap. All the parts will be available separately in a few months.
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Pranayama; of a sort.
I was given a M7 by my girl, something I wasn't expecting, I have to admit it's not bad, its better than I expected. Its become the device I use when I clean everything else but I still like the 9-fin better.

I have been looking at the HyperDyn... I get it, the bigger bowl everyone has been asking for, I prefer using stems so I am curious about how comfortable it would be native without water... I know if I need or want a .25g bowl...
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cantre member
my only use scenario would be to pass around like a J. Wonder how much a tip/cap will be? I could see it on a custom pipe like my m7, for sharing a bowl, but $229 for 1 more dyna stick isn't gonna happen.
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Well-Known Member
my only use scenario would be to pass around like a J. Wonder how much a tip/cap will be? I could see it on a custom pipe like my m7, for sharing a bowl, but $229 for 1 more dyna stick isn't gonna happen.
I'm mostly curious to see how well it works and what exactly it can do. If it tastes good and is capable of even roasting I'd be happy; if it extends hits that'll be even better. I think the adjustable cap will interesting, too; maybe Helix-like airflow with it open? That with the Hyper condenser or the MXL should give lots of adjustability in hit characteristics. It looks like they went with a straight neck like the M7 so hopefully that will hold some of the heat back from the stem.


It’s my opinion that the “B” paired with the “pipsqueak” bong at sneaky Pete is the best value maybe ever for a high quality setup at $66. For cleaning I find that it is unnecessary to remove the silicone, I drop the unit into a sandwich sized zip lock, add iso to cover it, zip up and attach it to a clipboard to remain upright. There are 3 entrances for iso to enter internally so removing the mouthpiece I find is unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
thanks. i was trying to to reply with the same, then went back and read the post i was replying to, and noticed they already had, farther down in the post. For some reason i couldn't delete my post, so i just deleted the text to not look dumber than I already look.
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