
Well-Known Member
I reached out, he replied that they banned his store and ghosted him on why. I suggested he start an account here.
Thanks for the update. Appreciated. I'm guessing foul play and some competitor reported him for something. What else could it be? There are plenty of others selling similar items that could be considered paraphenalia and are still around....


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
perfection in every detail

Beautiful combo! What lighter is that, and do you like it? Does the exposed flame adjuster on the bottom get moved automatically when handling or in use? It's giving me a bad case of LAS (Lighter Acquisition Syndrome).


How Soon Is Now?
its the Xikar Verano Flat Flame and i love it to bits. The Flat Flame is just perfect for Ti tips. And no the adjustment wheel does not turn at all. Its a beautiful torch and the build quality is superb.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been using my new M7/XL, and what stands out beyond how very nice it looks and feels is how efficiently it extracts and how incredibly hard it hits. This is the first DynaVap I’ve tried, and it’s been a pleasant surprise!
I really like the M+ but I think this one's even more my speed in terms of the extended heat/hits. I really appreciate the XL, too, they knocked that outta the park--the working man's Omni. Had to grab another condenser for swapping around.


Well-Known Member
@coolbreeze In your experience, how does the M7 XL compare to the Omni in how they perform?
That's a tough one without back-to-backing them but the titanium Omni tips will cool much faster, especially the older ones. Those seem more oriented toward flavor although the '21 also holds a lot of heat, too. The Ms are usually more forgiving and more oriented toward repeatable results to overstate it a bit. The M7 in particular probably outperforms the Omni in terms of the extended hits, but the Omni probably can produce better flavor. And the Omni can be adjusted on the fly where the MXL has to be pulled out and adjusted manually. The Omni is a good bit lighter, and the older Omni much lighter than the M7XL. If someone called it the best M I'd find it hard to argue, though I like 'em all.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! That’s a very helpful comparison. I sure like the look of the Omni, and I imagine I’d like using one too. I find the DynaVaps have been setting off their own kind of VAS for me. There are many options for devices, parts, and accessories within DynaVap and from third party makers. It keeps it interesting, and I expect I’ll be adding DynaVap related things eventually….


Well-Known Member
Thanks! That’s a very helpful comparison. I sure like the look of the Omni, and I imagine I’d like using one too. I find the DynaVaps have been setting off their own kind of VAS for me. There are many options for devices, parts, and accessories within DynaVap and from third party makers. It keeps it interesting, and I expect I’ll be adding DynaVap related things eventually….
They're great, totally fun and useful. I've had DynaVAS, I don't mind admitting I've got way too many and I use them. The stems and different tips and caps are fun to tinker with. As a matter of fact ! saw this the other day, a classic Omni Hydravong setup discounted at $140USD, last of its kind:


Please tell me more about the wooden pipe thingy, I’ve been looking for something like that for ages


cantre member
Please tell me more about the wooden pipe thingy, I’ve been looking for something like that for ages
had some scrap hickory, wanted an upright pipe style stem to use the wand cup with broken rim as a glass induction cap, has a condenser w/ss cooling spiral, potv dimple stem mp,; tried a few tips with it but paired with the drilled M7 tip it roasts several nice hits from one big heat-up! sooo coool you'll cough before you feel it!
Love the ceramic mouthpieces. Source?
used "Extreme Extracts"oil carts mouth piece, snaps onto the condenser nicely.
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No thoughts, head empty
Is there any noticeable difference between the gen 1 and 2 omni condensers aside from the obvious aesthetic differences? I picked up one of the clearance 2018 omni bodies, titanium tip and a woodwynd condenser for a makeshift omni during the 420 sale but the condenser doesn’t stay in the same position very well and I’m wanting to get a full omni setup for completeness’s sake.


Well-Known Member
Is there any noticeable difference between the gen 1 and 2 omni condensers aside from the obvious aesthetic differences? I picked up one of the clearance 2018 omni bodies, titanium tip and a woodwynd condenser for a makeshift omni during the 420 sale but the condenser doesn’t stay in the same position very well and I’m wanting to get a full omni setup for completeness’s sake.
Yes! The OG Omni condenser was flawed, imo, because it was a hair too long and forced a level of restriction higher than other DVs. What sucked was that you had all kinds of room to tighten it down, but none to open it up. I love/hate it! The 21 solves this by reducing down to the normal length, so while it does insert into the tip, it leaves a fairly open draw at the most open setting. Much, much improved imho. The OG and the new M condensers are great for longer-than-standard stems, though.


No thoughts, head empty
Yes! The OG Omni condenser was flawed, imo, because it was a hair too long and forced a level of restriction higher than other DVs. What sucked was that you had all kinds of room to tighten it down, but none to open it up. I love/hate it! The 21 solves this by reducing down to the normal length, so while it does insert into the tip, it leaves a fairly open draw at the most open setting. Much, much improved imho. The OG and the new M condensers are great for longer-than-standard stems, though.
Aha, that makes sense, thanks for the quick reply! Do you notice any difference with the spirals as well, or just the ability to go from full open to full close?


Well-Known Member
Aha, that makes sense, thanks for the quick reply! Do you notice any difference with the spirals as well, or just the ability to go from full open to full close?
I don't know that I do, really, but I remember speculation that it may cause more cooling turbulence inside the stem. I always found them most useful for closing down your Omnivong for using thru water so the OG was fine in that regard, but I would think that the 21 would feel cooler as the vapor will be less direct/condensed since more airport air can mix in at the gap between the condenser and tip. I bought an extra awhile back to use with a nonavong and other normal-length stems and I like it (direct) a lot better because of the looser airflow..


No thoughts, head empty
My omni condenser (and 2021 omni tip) arrived on this weekend, and it’s very quickly become my favourite setup! Wasn’t expecting the v2 condenser to do much since it only adjusts like 1/4” but that tiny adjustment really makes a significant difference. I want to say the vapour feels cooler with the condenser/airport wide open and cooling the helix, but I’m probably just wanting it to make a difference and the real difference is just the slightly shorter condenser length.

Also picked up a VonG and a mosaic sleeve which ended up a nice iridescent purple colour (you can see it a bit in the image of mosaic 12, it doesn’t photograph well but is beautiful in hand). Really digging the extra heft of the vong over my omni, feels more like a cigar which is a fun change of pace. The mosaic also reminds me of a softer version of the M7’s texture, has been fun to fiddle with between hits and was a nice addition for $20, though I wish I could’ve replaced the default vong sleeve with is so I don’t have a loose ti sleeve rattling around my parts drawer.


where can I find a glass WPA for the dynavap? Looking for both a 14mm and 18mm adaptor. Something with ridges so there is a cool spot to pick it up and from a store or glass maker in the US. Didn’t see anything in the thread going back quite a few pages and google didn’t find anything.


Well-Known Member
where can I find a glass WPA for the dynavap? Looking for both a 14mm and 18mm adaptor. Something with ridges so there is a cool spot to pick it up and from a store or glass maker in the US. Didn’t see anything in the thread going back quite a few pages and google didn’t find anything.
Here ya go:


Well-Known Member
where can I find a glass WPA for the dynavap? Looking for both a 14mm and 18mm adaptor. Something with ridges so there is a cool spot to pick it up and from a store or glass maker in the US. Didn’t see anything in the thread going back quite a few pages and google didn’t find anything.
For 14mm I like these, the price is right.

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