Ahhh, but you tested with “tubing”. Most of the tubing I have is much thicker then most orings, so that’s one potential difference.
So the oring-iso challenge is on.....
I have a gallon of 99% ISO, I’ll take various orings from different devices, as perhaps not all “silicone” is the same composition. I’ll soak them in a sealed airtight container for a week. Then assuming they don’t dissolve, the real test is to see if the silicone has softened or deformed in any way. If the elasticity is altered at all, then the myth is true, and warnings should be heeded.
Before I take time and materials, I’ll test my online google-foo first. The “MYTH” of not soaking silicone orings in ISO is so prevalent, I certainly believed it, as I’ve read countless reports of bad outcomes, but perhaps it’s just a myth. I’m glad Pak is always right, I’m certainly not, but I have a decent percentage.....![]()
@Stu's test was extreme. I didn't say you could soak silicone in ISO for weeks, I said that soaking it for a few minutes for cleaning would result in minimal damage if any. ISO causes some slight swelling but it is temporary, you just have to let the alcohol evaporate fully. Medical silicone is cleaned using ordinary rubbing alcohol (~70%) all the time, in fact I think it is the standard method.