Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing.
Got my Karmavap yesterday, and decided to have a small sesh last night to try it out for the first time. The "bowl" portion was probably about half-filled with finely ground bud.
Of course, because I bragged about watching so many videos and reading so many posts, I just had to make a rookie mistake. When heating the cap, I mistook the first, softer click as the click, and stopped heating prematurely. I did that a few times in a row, wondering why I wasn't seeing much vapor. It wasn't until I happened to hear two distinct clicks while it was cooling down that it, well, clicked in my brain that I was supposed to hear two during the heating phase as well. I remembered one video mentioning a double click.
Sure enough, I tried two more hits in a row with the double click, and the second one gave me some good vapor. By that time, the tiny little bowl that I had packed was a very dull brown. I'll have to try again tonight.
For the record, I'd describe the sounds as a click -> snap!![]()
@Tranquil every cap is different. I have owned several caps and only 1 or 2 does a double click on the heat up. Most I own have a single click on the heat up and a double on the cool down. Sometimes you can have a cap with a double click so close together that it sounds like a single click. There are all sorts of combinations.
I have one cap that does a third cool down click like 30-40 sec after the second (and scares the bejesus out of you).
I gave one to my father that has only one click either way. I figured it would be the easiest one for him to learn on (and he loves it).
You get to know your caps.
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