<snip> the 2020 seems to be oriented more to lower temp = less of a TH, but better flavor.
So the tip of the glass tube is under the dark red MP as shown in the pic above?
I don't think there is anything different about the captive cap besides a couple of crimps. I oval'd it out of the way and the dimples completely disengaged. I don't thing the cap itself is any different. I think is has something to do with the flats on the tip providing even less convection coupling. Now only points are in near-proximity of the cap where before it was a cylinder minus a groove or three.
What is your heating technique ?The 20 seems to have better flavor..but as I said, I am a Throat hit guy and i feel i cannot achieve the desired TH because i combust..but i didn t test the 19 to know if it delivers a better throat hit.
The flavor on the 20 is spot on though.
It seems I have 2 days to decide wether to give the 20 back for a 19 phantom or keep it..
Not sure if this is normal or not, but when heating the vapcap in my IH (16mm coil carbon fiber Flux) for the first two hits, on both a stainless steel and Ti tip, before the click, I see streams of vapor coming from the vapcap. It clicks not too long after that but it can be upwards of a second before the click that it happens. I see more vapor when using the Ti cap, it's wispier on my stainless steel tip which is why I brushed it aside, just thought it was part of the vape but the amount seems more substantial with the titanium tip that I figured it would've been mentioned at least in passing by now which makes me think something might be going on. Maybe I need to adjust the IH coil height?
I have never met a VapCap I couldn't make perform. They may perform differently, but they all perform. Each one of my VCs is slightly different and has it's own personality. Other than gifts or Karma Vaps I still have all of the VCs I have bought and occasionally, at least, rotate through them.Different tokes, for different folks. In the end, I like them all. It’s the experience.
Are you experienced?
ConsistencyI have acquired six Vapcaps, gave a few away, I still have trouble deciding which one to use. I only have six and I know many FCers that have way more than that.
How do you decide? Not that it matters, just curious.
I have acquired six Vapcaps, gave a few away, I still have trouble deciding which one to use. I only have six and I know many FCers that have way more than that.
How do you decide? Not that it matters, just curious.
That's awesome! Glad you are enjoying it and it's very cool that another member hooked you up. I love this community!I just hit a 2020 M for the 1st time that given to me by a generous member.I had 2 OG's and a NonaVong previously. Never have used an M. This is the fucking VC I've been waiting for!
I always had to use a water piece or j hook prior because of the tight draw restriction. Not with this one! Super easy to ghost the hits now and do direct to lung!
Filled it up to capacity with a huge squished nug chunk, heated at the base 2 secs past the click with an Honest single...
!!! I don't remeber gettin' phat rips like that with HUGE chunks on the Ti tip. Heat up is crazy longer though. Clicks are farther apart than any other cap I've used. I'll take the trade off. The vapor is a little warm and the end gets a little hot while hitting it...just like a real oneie!
I know, I got 1 sittin' right by it. This vape is the most similar to a one hitter than any other VC or vape I've ever used/tried!
My captive cap fell off onto the carpet on though.
That nug I put in was big and it look like it was expanding forcing the cap off.
No rug burns or burnt carpet!
Hot potato baby!
Can't wait to try a fine grind in this!
Whether the airport was closed or not, the clouds were forthcoming.
Taste was nice throughout!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Can't wait to return the favor!