Going back to those charts. What temp range does a vc heat up to when you generally respect the click?
I am finding an interesting series of datapoints while playing with various home-made IH solutions. This isn't just about the click. The click is a lagging indicator highly dependent on a number of things. The click is essentially a relative indicator. In itself it is highly repeatable, yet the technique to get the clicker to temp says very little about how hot the rest of the structure is.
My findings are showing me that a very hot IH; 6-seconds to the click - will give you a good hot draw but short. Satisfying 1st draw. Browned on the top and blonde moist throughout the load. Hardly any conduction from the walls. Analogy - only the mass of the cap got hot; tip body remained coolish.
A slow-cooked bowl. As cells deplete, the portable IH performance changes. Neither better or worse, just changes the intensity of the heat. A very slowly cooked bowl is first of all, wasteful as vape is escaping. Yet, if you provide a small amount of draw, the escaping vape will be consumed instead. The slow heat soaks the tip as well as the cap. The draw maintains the temperature (in the best case). This method can vary from uneven heating on an aggressive cycle or very even heating on a slow session. This type of IH cooking is highly rewarding and open to personalized techniques. IH's really need good control to achieve this to a level of perfection. Not a technique for butane.
The standard roast - 12-15 seconds of a good power level IH is about right to get the cap hot and the tip hot enough to provide the needed conduction heat to assure an even bake. A proper mix of convection and conduction (and radiation from cap to tip) assures a good even bake with much less regard to draw speed or even draw resistance.
The fact that I just finished an IH that goes through this entire heating range within the battery charge going from 12.6v to 9v helps me make these determinations. Extensive testing over the last several days has brought to light some of the more hidden nuances of these devices, both the VC and the IH. I've decided that a slow roast on-demand IH really needs input voltage regulation. Think MOD level voltage control. That will be a next class of IH's for them to remain useful and portable. Desktop units can do this now as voltage can be managed as simply as changing the input power brick or running a DC-DC converter. There is even an effort to determine how long a wire can tame an IH