Land of the long vapor cloud
I don't share too much of my Vapcap videos here but here's one with a flat flame, since its not too common I thought you guys might want to see
Nice relax vibe going on, great vid.
I don't share too much of my Vapcap videos here but here's one with a flat flame, since its not too common I thought you guys might want to see
How much is a gen2 vapcap with early @phattpiggie stem worth to people.. I'm really not sure how much to sell for..
Yes it's a removable brass insert..Heyooo Can we have some more dete's please. Like is that a Brass collar ? What wood . Is that Brass removable . Ect
How much is a gen2 vapcap with early @phattpiggie stem worth to people.. I'm really not sure how much to sell for..
Oh man! Im super excited for you dude. Hopefully you get them priced where you can make a little somthing this time. U got me down for a order of each. I'm sure these are gna fly like hot cakes!Ok, I'm a worrier and someone who does not like to count their chickens before they hatch, but........I'm meeting with Oregon Glass Lab tomorrow AM and I may have some pieces as early as next week. Or never, that is always a realistic possibility. I like to prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
(719) DYN-AVAP.Ummmm............. Is there a number I could call?????
@kellya86 yes Teak but not just any Teak.
It's repurposed parquet flooring from a local asylum.
That's insane.You should scope out those who have fifty. Or mo.
Hard core mofos.
I know. I just have one.
Made outa metal.
I also still use a near extinct record player though.