Just another "Person Of Interest"
So... All the Titanium, talk today, reminded me of my little friend, right here. "Stoner-Engineered", "StemPunk"-style, CHIC!
Shadow M Stainless Steel tip, 4 inch OG CHILLUM Glass Stem,
THIS little guy:
Another angle, showing the exit point of my new Titanium "Mouthpiece".
For those of you who purchased an RWW Glass stem from @RogueGuy, you'll recognize that little piece which came with it.
A titanium dabbing tip/nail/needle/etc.
Since I have a Dynavap tip in THAT particular glass stem, (Awesome stem, btw!) this little beauty just sits in a plastic bag.
What a waste.
If you slap some O-rings on between those fins, for an air tight fit, you can pop that in the end that you're hitting from on that OG Chillum stem AND (WITHOUT explaining the airflow Dynamics of this whole setup, for the next 3 hours!
your Vapor will come through, ICY COLD and SOLID CLOUDS with EASE!

Obviously, you will need to CHECK both your tip that you will using, be it stainless steel or titanium AND that titanium needle, for PROPER fit, when you pick up an OG Chillum stem from a local shop. (about $5 on average)
IF you DON'T do this in person then you take your chances with the fit due to Glass variance.
And... Ummm...
If the shop owner is KIND enough to let you check tips in stems, PLEASE be kind IN RETURN!
CLEAN the tips FIRST before you go!
That sounds OBVIOUS to MOST of us but you'd be AMAZED at how many people will DO the dick move of just taking their tip out of their daily WITHOUT cleaning it and stand by some counter checking stems with a NASTY tip, while the clerk isn't looking or busy.
Represent, for FC!
DON'T be that person.
Happy Vaping!

Shadow M Stainless Steel tip, 4 inch OG CHILLUM Glass Stem,
THIS little guy:

Another angle, showing the exit point of my new Titanium "Mouthpiece".

For those of you who purchased an RWW Glass stem from @RogueGuy, you'll recognize that little piece which came with it.
A titanium dabbing tip/nail/needle/etc.
Since I have a Dynavap tip in THAT particular glass stem, (Awesome stem, btw!) this little beauty just sits in a plastic bag.
What a waste.


If you slap some O-rings on between those fins, for an air tight fit, you can pop that in the end that you're hitting from on that OG Chillum stem AND (WITHOUT explaining the airflow Dynamics of this whole setup, for the next 3 hours!

your Vapor will come through, ICY COLD and SOLID CLOUDS with EASE!

Obviously, you will need to CHECK both your tip that you will using, be it stainless steel or titanium AND that titanium needle, for PROPER fit, when you pick up an OG Chillum stem from a local shop. (about $5 on average)

IF you DON'T do this in person then you take your chances with the fit due to Glass variance.

And... Ummm...
If the shop owner is KIND enough to let you check tips in stems, PLEASE be kind IN RETURN!
CLEAN the tips FIRST before you go!

That sounds OBVIOUS to MOST of us but you'd be AMAZED at how many people will DO the dick move of just taking their tip out of their daily WITHOUT cleaning it and stand by some counter checking stems with a NASTY tip, while the clerk isn't looking or busy.

Represent, for FC!

DON'T be that person.

Happy Vaping!

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