I go where the thrills are
This is the feeling I always had when using a session vape that utilizes at least some conduction. No matter the strain or temp. I felt stupid stoned and sleepy.
The MFLB of course uses conduction, but instant off and on seems to make a difference. Or so I would think.
Interesting. I was thinking it's sheer amount of product consumed that's the culprit. Given that the MFLB can be tricky to coax vapor from, at times, I too find I get a more clear-headed thing from it than, say, a desktop vape that pumps out buckets of vapor.
In other words, I was thinking it was a dosage issue rather than conduction vs convection. But I've never used a Crafty as you've probably guessed, so I have no real clue. I do agree trying lower temps, and backing off on the dosage amount would help the "clear vs. wasted high" thingy.