Arizer Solo


can i stick my male joint in there?
yeah i have a mflb and solo too. mflb is a great vape but the learning curve is really high. plus its really hard hitting it when i'm walking or something, i always have to sit down to really enjoy it. but with solo i just walk and hit it at same time. plus the clouds are huge!!! with the mflb my friends can never see the vape.

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
ilovebOObs said:
yeah i have a mflb and solo too. mflb is a great vape but the learning curve is really high. plus its really hard hitting it when i'm walking or something, i always have to sit down to really enjoy it. but with solo i just walk and hit it at same time. plus the clouds are huge!!! with the mflb my friends can never see the vape.

I agree. I like my MFLB but find it collecting dust in my stash box since getting my Solo.
Papa Woody,


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
My Glass cutting skills failed me in this case, I cracked the shaft right down the side lol. Oh well, I've got 4 4 hole straight stems and carry tips in the mail so I don't need it.

I also had a MFLB before I bought my solo. I haven't used it once in several months, in fact I've recently lent it to a friend and I have plans to gift it to them for christmas


Great Scott!
MFLB around for 10 to 20 years? I think that is a non issue. For a $100 vape you need 10-20 years of use out of it? If my MFLB is still kickin around in 10 years I'd get a new one just because I'd be paying less than $10 a YEAR for portable vapor. I think expecting more than that might be a bit greedy. Even if MF isn't around, clones will be. They are now.


Active Member
ohhh poop centizen. a tip for the future, if you fill glass with sand when drilling, you have a better chance of cutting through without cracking it... HOWEVER, you dont want to bust through with the sand in, as you will bust your tip... lol i learned that the fun way!!! ZINNNNG hjahaha safety glasses are a nice!!!

so you get most of the way through, then empty the sand, and poke through and its just a matter of grinding the edges out. works pretty nice

i fixed my chipped stem though!!
i just used the cutting disk to cut most of the bottom where the stem has chipped.
i cant put in as much, and its still got a bit of a little chip left, but its not a big deal at all.
i only put in what i need now, and it all gets nice and darkly brown.,
with the longer stem as well, im not getting heat directly on my tube either, which takes a big load off my mind. all in all, im satisfied and fried right now from a good half hour vapobong session with only 3 pinches of herb...

it's a nice... it's a nice!!!! lol

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
darkrom said:
MFLB around for 10 to 20 years? I think that is a non issue. For a $100 vape you need 10-20 years of use out of it? If my MFLB is still kickin around in 10 years I'd get a new one just because I'd be paying less than $10 a YEAR for portable vapor. I think expecting more than that might be a bit greedy. Even if MF isn't around, clones will be. They are now.

My point is that a "lifetime" warranty is only good if the company is around when you need it. Do you think Magic Flight (the company) will be in existence in 10 to 20 years from now? What does lifetime mean to you? Your life or the vapes life? Why do you consider it "greedy" if a company sells you a full replacement for your life whether that is "10 to 20 years" or longer and you take them up on their warranty many years from now?
A clone company won't honor your MFLB lifetime warranty if Magic Flight is out of business (but then neither would Magic Flight, would they?)
I'm sorry your Solo didn't work out for you. My Solo rocks.
Papa Woody,


Banned for life
Does anyone like the mflb better than the solo? For obvious reasons such as stealth it's apparent the launch box is better, as is speed of use. However it seems like over and over launch box users favour the vapour of the solo?
Papa Woody said:
ilovebOObs said:
yeah i have a mflb and solo too. mflb is a great vape but the learning curve is really high. plus its really hard hitting it when i'm walking or something, i always have to sit down to really enjoy it. but with solo i just walk and hit it at same time. plus the clouds are huge!!! with the mflb my friends can never see the vape.

I agree. I like my MFLB but find it collecting dust in my stash box since getting my Solo.
same thing here lol. I actually just sold my box to a friend.


Staff member
I haven't touched my LB since I got my Solo. I can't bring myself to sell it or gift it, as I feel it could still have its uses. I just haven't found any need for it recently.



can i stick my male joint in there?
thinking of using the mflb as the trade in deal for the omicron, since i haven't touched it in ages, may as well go toward something i would use more regularly.:p


Serial vapist
Well, just got my SS replacement. I was really surprised to get it already, since it was shipped on thanksgiving, i figured it wouldnt be here until next week. But Arizer definitely got it here fast.

I have nothing but good things to say about the SS version i got. The smell and taste problems i had with my m104 ceramic at first were not present with this m105 SS. It had a slight "new electronics" smell, but after one burn off cycle it tastes perfect. I've been hitting it all day w/o waterbong, and havent tasted anything foul.

Another good thing is that the stems fit tighter in the SS solo. That ring thats around the top of the solos crucible part, or whatever you want to call it, has a ridge along it that sticks out a bit first, as a result the stems all fit snugly in it, and dont spin around when in the unit like with the ceramic. Arizer hooked me up with another straight and bent stem as well, so now i have 3 bent and 2 straight. Bent is def the way to go without tube, straights easier to use with.

The temp does seem slightly lower, but not by a whole lot, definitely not by 20C like i think i read other ppl saying, 5C would be pushing it i'd say. I always used 4 on my ceramic and 4 gives me about the same thickness of hits on the SS.

So at any rate, the ceramic flaking wasnt a huge deal to me, but i'm glad it happened because now i have the perfect product that i should have received in teh first place. Without any doubt i can say that the solo is an incredible vaporizer, it hits like the heaviest home model i've ever used, is easily adapted for and easy to use with a bong, battery life is great (although i havent had a chance to test SS vs ceramic).

I can now say that if I had to choose only one vape to own, the solo would be it. It covers so many bases, the obvious portability, with the AC adapter is an awesome home unit, with a little silicone on the tip of the mouthpiece is a great vapebonging vape, with a little 7th Floor hosing on it its just like any whip vape. the extraction in great, the loadsize is 2x a log stem more or less, which is still a small amount vs most home convection vapes so it allows for conservative usage quite easily. The temp range goes as high as i'd ever want (for use with extracts especially)... low temp vaporists will like the 2-4 temp range and ppl who want those high temp sedative feeling effects will love 5+.

anyway, back to vaping.... :brow::brow:

i will say i have noticed some weird behavior with teh AC adapter. The most annoying thing is that, like someone else mentioned, the plug will come out ever so slightly from the solo, just enough to shut it off and you might not hear the short death beep if you have music on or something so you start sucking on a cooling solo thinking "why am i getting nothign?" . and thats another thing, sometimes when you unplug the AC adapter the solo seems to switch to battery power but other times it shuts right off.

in general, it works fine during the first 12min cycle, but after the first auto shutoff (which may or may not shut the solo off or it might just act like it got shut off and then on real quiick)) its best to unplug it and plug it back in again to avoid some weird behavior.


New Member
steiner666 said:
Well, just got my SS replacement. I was really surprised to get it already, since it was shipped on thanksgiving, i figured it wouldnt be here until next week. But Arizer definitely got it here fast.

I have nothing but good things to say about the SS version i got. The smell and taste problems i had with my m104 ceramic at first were not present with this m105 SS. It had a slight "new electronics" smell, but after one burn off cycle it tastes perfect. I've been hitting it all day w/o waterbong, and havent tasted anything foul.

Another good thing is that the stems fit tighter in the SS solo. That ring thats around the top of the solos crucible part, or whatever you want to call it, has a ridge along it that sticks out a bit first, as a result the stems all fit snugly in it, and dont spin around when in the unit like with the ceramic. Arizer hooked me up with another straight and bent stem as well, so now i have 3 bent and 2 straight. Bent is def the way to go without tube, straights easier to use with.

The temp does seem slightly lower, but not by a whole lot, definitely not by 20C like i think i read other ppl saying, 5C would be pushing it i'd say. I always used 4 on my ceramic and 4 gives me about the same thickness of hits on the SS.

So at any rate, the ceramic flaking wasnt a huge deal to me, but i'm glad it happened because now i have the perfect product that i should have received in teh first place. Without any doubt i can say that the solo is an incredible vaporizer, it hits like the heaviest home model i've ever used, is easily adapted for and easy to use with a bong, battery life is great (although i havent had a chance to test SS vs ceramic).

I can now say that if I had to choose only one vape to own, the solo would be it. It covers so many bases, the obvious portability, with the AC adapter is an awesome home unit, with a little silicone on the tip of the mouthpiece is a great vapebonging vape, with a little 7th Floor hosing on it its just like any whip vape. the extraction in great, the loadsize is 2x a log stem more or less, which is still a small amount vs most home convection vapes so it allows for conservative usage quite easily. The temp range goes as high as i'd ever want (for use with extracts especially)... low temp vaporists will like the 2-4 temp range and ppl who want those high temp sedative feeling effects will love 5+.

anyway, back to vaping.... :brow::brow:

i will say i have noticed some weird behavior with teh AC adapter. The most annoying thing is that, like someone else mentioned, the plug will come out ever so slightly from the solo, just enough to shut it off and you might not hear the short death beep if you have music on or something so you start sucking on a cooling solo thinking "why am i getting nothign?" . and thats another thing, sometimes when you unplug the AC adapter the solo seems to switch to battery power but other times it shuts right off.

in general, it works fine during the first 12min cycle, but after the first auto shutoff (which may or may not shut the solo off or it might just act like it got shut off and then on real quiick)) its best to unplug it and plug it back in again to avoid some weird behavior.

I just read your statement and wondering if I should get a new model. I have the SS M104 purchased from Amazon about a week ago. Now they have M105. I have an email to Arizer but nothing heard yet about a replacement for a non smelly unit. I dont know what exactly the difference is between M104 and M105?

Mine has a smell like a circuit board smell but nothing real serious like what I read on here. Any suugestions to get mine replaced with SS M105?


can i stick my male joint in there?
i still have some of the circuit board smell, but don't really smell anything or taste anything when vaping.
mine is the 104, should be getting the 105 in pretty soon too.


New Member
ilovebOObs said:
i still have some of the circuit board smell, but don't really smell anything or taste anything when vaping.
mine is the 104, should be getting the 105 in pretty soon too.

I have been heating up the unit drawing on the tube with no herb. I am getting this crazy headache smell annoyance. I bought it from Amazon but in reading I can return it. I just want a clean unit! Not sure if I should go through Amazon or what. What are you doing to get a replacement? Are you contacting Arizer directly? How sure are you that M105 will be the ticket?


Well-Known Member
Vaperlock said:
ilovebOObs said:
i still have some of the circuit board smell, but don't really smell anything or taste anything when vaping.
mine is the 104, should be getting the 105 in pretty soon too.

I have been heating up the unit drawing on the tube with no herb. I am getting this crazy headache smell annoyance. I bought it from Amazon but in reading I can return it. I just want a clean unit! Not sure if I should go through Amazon or what. What are you doing to get a replacement? Are you contacting Arizer directly? How sure are you that M105 will be the ticket?

Have you tried cleaning your unit? Almost everyone reports no smell after a quick rub down with ISO. It *supposedly* is simply some residue on the units surfaces from the manufacturing process.


New Member
THCMuscle said:
Vaperlock said:
ilovebOObs said:
i still have some of the circuit board smell, but don't really smell anything or taste anything when vaping.
mine is the 104, should be getting the 105 in pretty soon too.

I have been heating up the unit drawing on the tube with no herb. I am getting this crazy headache smell annoyance. I bought it from Amazon but in reading I can return it. I just want a clean unit! Not sure if I should go through Amazon or what. What are you doing to get a replacement? Are you contacting Arizer directly? How sure are you that M105 will be the ticket?

Have you tried cleaning your unit? Almost everyone reports no smell after a quick rub down with ISO. It *supposedly* is simply some residue on the units surfaces from the manufacturing process.

yes I read that but I was hoping not to take apart the unit and thinking maybe there's an easier way by getting a new one that had fixed this issue. That idea was solidified in my head when I heard somebody mentioned not to get the M-104 model which I have. So once again I'm asking is there any difference between M-104 and M-105? Anyone anyone Buelller Bueller...........


here for the chicks
I asked Kevin (Arizer tech) last week if he had heard of the smell issue, and he replied that they knew about the complaint and that they have issued a few warranty replacements to people that were complaining about a smell or taste, but that they haven't found anything that could cause it or even confirm that there actually was a smell/taste after inspecting those units. So I guess it's safe to assume that if they don't know what causes it or can even identify it they also couldn't have fixed anything.


New Member
OhTheAgony said:
I asked Kevin (Arizer tech) last week if he had heard of the smell issue, and he replied that they knew about the complaint and that they have issued a few warranty replacements to people that were complaining about a smell or taste, but that they haven't found anything that could cause it or even confirm that there actually was a smell/taste after inspecting those units. So I guess it's safe to assume that if they don't know what causes it or can even identify it they also couldn't have fixed anything.

I just took apart the unit and here are my observations:

1. The outside shell including the cap that screws on appears to be metalic
2. There's 2 hemispheres that snap together. Inside the middle is the electronics and the battery.
3. The entire inside unit is basically plastic.
4. Intuitively I don't think it's possible to eliminate the smell when you combine electronics, plastic, battery and heating element.
5. My overall impression is that the plastic they are using just simply smells. I don't think it's a big shocker that plastic is giving off a smell. I don't feel that baking or ISO the outer shell would do anything long-lasting. Once again the unit is made of plastic. I also think the cap smells the worst because it's the highest end of the unit where the heat rises and smells are permeating the cap.

Maybe if the plastic were sitting in the sun baking for 5 years the smell would subside. Unfortunately, I just purchased a separate AC adapter and optional 4 hole draw tubes.

But thank you for your opinion on the 2 different models. I keep on hearing Kevin's name brought up and was hoping he would have an answer. So I'm agreeing with you after looking inside my unit that there probably is not a solution to the issue. Some of you guys might be vaping hard and some of the herb smell is permeating the plastic thereby giving you a cover-up. Not to mention some people like myself are more sensitive to smells having asthma and some allergies to perfumes.


There is residue -on- the shell in the case of stinky units that are remedied by an iso scrub. ISO very visibly (filthy cloth) wipes this residue off. After wiping the interior and exterior of the shell of a stinky unit the abnormal smell and taste have been reported to go away completely.

In regards to your question about m104 and m105 differences as far as we know they are just batch numbers with no particular significance. If you don't have any abnormal smell or taste issues other than the slight electronics/hot iron smell when you put your nose up to the hot crucible than you don't really have much right to claim a warranty replacement... model number isn't a defect.


Banned for life
not only is there airflow from the bottom of the unit, but also through the front where the led lights are. the airpath is definitely not as "pure" as I thought with the glass stem and ceramic or steel bowl.


New Member
MattyGTwenty3 said:
There is residue -on- the shell in the case of stinky units that are remedied by an iso scrub. ISO very visibly (filthy cloth) wipes this residue off. After wiping the interior and exterior of the shell of a stinky unit the abnormal smell and taste have been reported to go away completely.

In regards to your question about m104 and m105 differences as far as we know they are just batch numbers with no particular significance. If you don't have any abnormal smell or taste issues other than the slight electronics/hot iron smell when you put your nose up to the hot crucible than you don't really have much right to claim a warranty replacement... model number isn't a defect.

Okay I'm putting this issue to bed. I will do the alcohol thing on every possible crevice until I'm completely sure I didn't miss anything and keep the unit out to dry a bit. Once I put it back together that's it I'm putting it away.

I'm laughing as an writing this because this unit really is only a backup to my LB. There's absolutely nothing I don't like about the LB except for it breaking once after one year. I figure if I ever go camping and am in the middle of the woods with no power supply I will bring the Arizer Solo and puff away while using the forest itself is a carburetor to offset the smell.

Sorry about the tangent but I am a bit baked from the LB.......


Well-Known Member
The solo powns the mflb, hands down! Hey, if you like having to fiddle a lot while your vaping, getting little wisps of vape and also potentially igniting your herb then, by all means, get a mflb. Me, I just like to press on, turn it up to warp 7 and vape huge clouds while never even coming close to combusting ; > The mflb may, in size, be more discrete than the solo but in use it's very indiscrete when compared to the solo, with all the pressing and flipping and sipping it just right. No thanks! I'll stick with the solo for now.

I don't understand why I keep hearing that the solo isn't portable. I've been traveling around with it for over a week now, no problems. To anyone who's wondering about a smelly solo, don't hesitate to contact Arizer directly. I've found their customer service is second to none.


Hi Folks,

Anyone knows if there is any Shop in Miami where I can buy accsesorys as the 4 hole tubes for the solo ???



New Member
darebear999 said:
The solo powns the mflb, hands down! Hey, if you like having to fiddle a lot while your vaping, getting little wisps of vape and also potentially igniting your herb then, by all means, get a mflb. Me, I just like to press on, turn it up to warp 7 and vape huge clouds while never even coming close to combusting ; > The mflb may, in size, be more discrete than the solo but in use it's very indiscrete when compared to the solo, with all the pressing and flipping and sipping it just right. No thanks! I'll stick with the solo for now.

I don't understand why I keep hearing that the solo isn't portable. I've been traveling around with it for over a week now, no problems. To anyone who's wondering about a smelly solo, don't hesitate to contact Arizer directly. I've found their customer service is second to none.
I'm happy you are thrilled with your solo. I know this has been discussed a lot but I'd like to add my $.02 what I think the big difference is between the two. I totally agree the solo is an excellent unit overall. It feels and looks like a real quality piece of equipment.

When I hear people describing big clouds I'm wondering if that's all vapor or some combustion. Myself I like hardly any cloud as I prefer the taste just 2nd to the overall high. The last thing I want is to taste any combustion at all and I get what I'm after with the LB on the low setting. I can turn my unit on in 5 seconds and get exactly what I want.

The solo would be preferred if I was hiking for example and more so if I was passing it around to a group of people. Then I would agree the solo would be a better choice because of the long-lasting battery with nowhere to plug-in. I think this has been discussed a lot but I felt compelled to throw in my opinion.

Nobody's wrong and nobody's right, it's just personal preference. I'm just really curious why some people have smelly units and some people don't. They're both basically the same unit manufactured with plastic. Before I do the wipe down method, I would feel better getting a replacement from the manufacturer and then worst case do the iso-thing. Enjoy!
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