Arizer Solo

i use the ss with flowers and the ceramic with putties. I was going to buy the aqua cooler but I dont like the idea of using a whip. Its awesome for passing around the room. Its like a real bong, no cords, no water falling back into the unit.


here for the chicks
I'm a bit late I guess, but sorry to hear it died on you Dorkus!

Normally when I get a warranty replacement over here for whatever, the warranty term is renewed as well. You got a new unit from them so I assume they'll warrant it like that. Still sucks though.

Bio, where the heck did you get that thing & what is it exactly?


Well-Known Member
OhTheAgony said:
I'm a bit late I guess, but sorry to hear it died on you Dorkus!

Normally when I get a warranty replacement over here for whatever, the warranty term is renewed as well. You got a new unit from them so I assume they'll warrant it like that. Still sucks though.

Bio, where the heck did you get that thing & what is it exactly?

while it may be true with arizer, I have bought other products and the warranty will only last the life of the contract of the original purchase... (auto parts)


Product A is warrantied for 12 months.

Product A craps out and is replaced after 6 months.

Product A replacement unit comes in and has the remainder of the original warranty (6 months) not 12.
dorkus_molorkus said:
@ vaplexus- lol 100% correct. i will chill the fuck out

@THCMuscle- I forgot to add, apology accepted & welcome to the family. :D

Oh, if anyone wants to do the 'dude, thats a bummer your solo died, but im sure theres a happy ending there for you soon' thing. nows probably the best time. :rolleyes:
lol I am in the same boat. I went back and forth with my solo with these guys and arizer and the same shitfight started. I believe we get so heated because we love or solo's so much and were just defending them. Well my SS is sent back and getting repaired or replaced and I will also keep everyone updated.


here for the chicks
Thanks Bio. I'm suprised that that's only a part of a tube & not a whole piece, it's so big! Not a very easy to get brand here as far as I know, but interesting never the less. Thanks for sharing.


can i stick my male joint in there?
Happy thanksgiving guys!!! Dam that coil looks awesome.
I just got an email from Kevin today on thanksgiving, telling me that he is sending out a replacement one for me in silver too. Super awesome customer service, arizer rocks!!!!


Well-Known Member
My Solo review:
Well, after receiving one of the smelly M104 lot units in the wrong color (BTW, everyone avoid online dealer clearance products like the plague. I asked them for black and they assured me more than once they had it and then sent me a silver one. Rather than pay to send it back I asked them for a very modest discount and they wouldn't budge, they even got a little insulting about it. Anyway, unless you're a masochist avoid these d-bags) I sent it back to Arizer for replacement. People, these guys rock! Not only is the product second to none but so is their customer service. After some initial miscommunication with Kevin he sought to make everything about my Arizer experience right again. Not only did he replace the smelly unit with a clean one but sent me a clean BLACK M105 unit. Furthermore, to compensate me for shipping he sent me 2 of the new straight straws for free. Actually, I should mention that he first sent me the curved ones by mistake but when I mentioned this a pair of the straights were shipped out to me. Customer service doesn't get any better than this. Now for the review:
As you can already tell, I'm a fan of this unit; but let me start off by mentioning some of the things I don't like about it, in the hopes that Arizer will take these cues for future updates.

1. Twirly straws make for a bad and precarious portable experience. You're moving, talking, passing, having a good time but whoops watch out for thatstraw ; < No this hasn't happened to me yet but it's a scenario I can well imagine. I've already had a couple close calls. It shouldn't be too hard to engineer a glass straw the fits a bit snugger without being so tight that you can't get it out again. However, a straight straw bypasses this problem altogetherunless you want to use it upside down but I wouldn't recommend that. Even with the straight there should be a way to get a more snug fit as a safety precaution.
2. Speaking of strawsyou're going to want to place a small screen in the chamber end of the straw and so should Arizer! The one small flaw in this almost perfect delivery system is that bits of herb will get sucked up the straw and it will harsh your experience a bit having to spit them out. A super easy and cheap solution is to just buy a small screen and tuck it in there. However, Arizer should've caught this themselves in testing and addressed the issue. Hopefully, they will in the future for their growing fan base ; >
3. Has anyone kept their cap on?! I usually just keep a straw on it at all times and don't see the need for this. Even if it's open and gets a little dusty the chamber is easy accessible with a dust cloth. Get rid of it! I did. It pulls out pretty easily.
4. 12 minute shut offWTF?! This is probably my biggest beef. If you're like me (and I'm guessing a lot of you are) there are sometimes in the evening or early mid-afternoon (but never at dusk ; > ) when I like to vape for a lot longer than 12 minutes. Hell, sometimes I like to imagine I'm the Sultan of Brunei and just keep vaping and vaping. 12 minutes isn't enough time for that fantasy ; > Give us a more reasonable auto shut off time: 30 or 60 minutes perhaps. <I worry about wearing out the on/off switch ;>>
5. They advertise a 4 hour charge capacity. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to advertised battery life. They say 4 hours but I'm averaging about 2.5. Not bad considering I'm most often using this thing on full blast. For what I'm vaping most often lower temps are not as good or just won't work at all. I usually set it to 6 or 7. Perhaps you get 4 hours when using it on 4 but the battery should be rated for how people are actually going to use it and I can't think of many things that will effectively vape at that setting. Some people have complained about the lack of temperature headroom and it would be nice to have some more range to play with HOWEVER, this unit is simply awesome at extracting when set to 6 or 7. Which brings me to the pro side now:

1. Very effective! Clouds anyone? Were it not for copyright infringement claims from Apple I would've named this baby the iCloud. I've had or used a volcano, an iolite and an mflb and this tops all of them. Yes, even the volcano. Well, it's at least as good as the volcano in terms of smooth extraction and has the added benefits of being portable, discrete (if not stealthy), and silent. Regarding the other two units, it beats them hands downno contest. After getting a very smelly unit, indeed, friends have commented about how clean tasting the vape is with this replacement solo.
2. Very efficient! The chamber on these straws is small but don't be deceived by this. A little goes a very long way, indeed, in this thing! I get about as much vape time as I did with my iolite yet the chamber is about half the size. <I've looked more closely at the two side by side and perhaps I was exaggerating a bit. The iolite's chamber is perhaps a third deeper than the solo but you get my point> This thing is downright frugal yet not cheap and that's a very rare combo.
3. Very portable! I have no problems slipping it into a side pocket and traveling around with it in general. It looks like a weird can of Redbull or something, it operates totally silently (aside from the on and off beeps), and the battery last a relatively long time.
4. Very sexy! Yeah, I said it! This thing looks cool and fits in your hand nicely. It's sleek and stealthy looking. I'm going to name mine Darth Vapor. I was going to name it Han Solo but the monolithic black and the colored light panel on the front cinched it. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth VaporriseRISE! Or, should I say Arize ; >

If you like to vape and want portability then just get one of these. However, you might want to avoid units from lots beginning with M104


Well-Known Member
darebear999 said:
My Solo review:
Well, after receiving one of the smelly M104 lot units in the wrong color (BTW, everyone avoid online dealer clearance products like the plague. I asked them for black and they assured me more than once they had it and then sent me a silver one. Rather than pay to send it back I asked them for a very modest discount and they wouldn't budge, they even got a little insulting about it. Anyway, unless you're a masochist avoid these d-bags) I sent it back to Arizer for replacement. People, these guys rock! Not only is the product second to none but so is their customer service. After some initial miscommunication with Kevin he sought to make everything about my Arizer experience right again. Not only did he replace the smelly unit with a clean one but sent me a clean BLACK M105 unit. Furthermore, to compensate me for shipping he sent me 2 of the new straight straws for free. Actually, I should mention that he first sent me the curved ones by mistake but when I mentioned this a pair of the straights were shipped out to me. Customer service doesn't get any better than this. Now for the review:
As you can already tell, I'm a fan of this unit; but let me start off by mentioning some of the things I don't like about it, in the hopes that Arizer will take these cues for future updates.

1. Twirly straws make for a bad and precarious portable experience. You're moving, talking, passing, having a good time but whoops watch out for thatstraw ; < No this hasn't happened to me yet but it's a scenario I can well imagine. I've already had a couple close calls. It shouldn't be too hard to engineer a glass straw the fits a bit snugger without being so tight that you can't get it out again. However, a straight straw bypasses this problem altogetherunless you want to use it upside down but I wouldn't recommend that. Even with the straight there should be a way to get a more snug fit as a safety precaution.
2. Speaking of strawsyou're going to want to place a small screen in the chamber end of the straw and so should Arizer! The one small flaw in this almost perfect delivery system is that bits of herb will get sucked up the straw and it will harsh your experience a bit having to spit them out. A super easy and cheap solution is to just buy a small screen and tuck it in there. However, Arizer should've caught this themselves in testing and addressed the issue. Hopefully, they will in the future for their growing fan base ; >
3. Has anyone kept their cap on?! I usually just keep a straw on it at all times and don't see the need for this. Even if it's open and gets a little dusty the chamber is easy accessible with a dust cloth. Get rid of it! I did. It pulls out pretty easily.
4. 12 minute shut offWTF?! This is probably my biggest beef. If you're like me (and I'm guessing a lot of you are) there are sometimes in the evening or early mid-afternoon (but never at dusk ; > ) when I like to vape for a lot longer than 12 minutes. Hell, sometimes I like to imagine I'm the Sultan of Brunei and just keep vaping and vaping. 12 minutes isn't enough time for that fantasy ; > Give us a more reasonable auto shut off time: 30 or 60 minutes perhaps.
5. They advertise a 4 hour charge capacity. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to advertised battery life. They say 4 hours but I'm averaging about 2.5. Not bad considering I'm most often using this thing on full blast. For what I'm vaping most often lower temps are not as good or just won't work at all. I usually set it to 6 or 7. Perhaps you get 4 hours when using it on 4 but the battery should be rated for how people are actually going to use it and I can't think of many things that will effectively vape at that setting. Some people have complained about the lack of temperature headroom and it would be nice to have some more range to play with HOWEVER, this unit is simply awesome at extracting when set to 6 or 7. Which brings me to the pro side now:

1. Very effective! Clouds anyone? Were it not for copyright infringement claims from Apple I would've named this baby the iCloud. I've had or used a volcano, an iolite and an mflb and this tops all of them. Yes, even the volcano. Well, it's at least as good as the volcano in terms of smooth extraction and has the added benefits of being portable, discrete (if not stealthy), and silent. Regarding the other two units, it beats them hands downno contest. After getting a very smelly unit, indeed, friends have commented about how clean tasting the vape is with this replacement solo.
2. Very efficient! The chamber on these straws is small but don't be deceived by this. A little goes a very long way, indeed, in this thing! I get about as much vape time as I did with my iolite yet the chamber is about half the size. This thing is downright frugal yet not cheap and that's a very rare combo.
3. Very portable! I have no problems slipping it into a side pocket and traveling around with it in general. It looks like a weird can of Redbull or something, it's operates totally silently (aside from the on and off beeps), and the battery last a relatively long time.
4. Very sexy! Yeah, I said it! This thing looks cool and fits in your hand nicely. It's sleek and stealthy looking. I'm going to name mine Darth Vapor. I was going to name it Han Solo but the monolithic black and the colored light panel on the front cinched it. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth VaporriseRISE! Or, should I say Arize ; >

If you like to vape and want portability then just get one of these. However, you might want to avoid units from lots beginning with M104

Wonderfull review, my Solo *should* be here tomorrow, and your review made me even more excited to get it! Thanks for the contribution.


Active Member
I got to try out my buddies Solo yesterday. The pull was rediculously restricted even compared to a log vape so I pulled as hard as I could to try and get some air flow. I wasn't aware how hard I was hitting it and how deep in my lungs the vapor was going. It felt like I got punched in the chest after I blew my hit out :lol:

And I didn't see any chipping or smell anything out of the ordinary so maybe my friend got lucky and got a good unit. Either way, sick vape that gives huge clouds :)

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
It sounds to me like you tried a ceramic with a 2 hole stem.
I personally don't like how restrictive the draw is on a 2 hole stem, but I'm in love with my 4 hole stems (I have 3 straight and 2 bent 4 hole stems and 2 bent 2 hole stems)

I would say that the 4 hole stem is no more restrictive than my RockZap.

I've been thinking about doing a bit of a DIY 14mm GG end for one of my stems, I've got a spare 14mm male joint from a broken downstem I was going to re-purpose, but I'm not sure of the best way to join the 2...

I went to my local hardware store, and I found some superglue which is designed to withstand up to 150C, and some silicone that can withstand 190C.

I figure the superglue will hold better, as the silicone is more for gap filling than being an adhesive, but I have no idea how hot the stems actually get, and how hot the vapor would be in the stem...

I was thinking of cutting off one of my bent stems just before the bend.

Does anyone have any tips/suggestions?
Frederick McGuire,


here for the chicks
Don't just use a random glu without doing the research. It will be close to a heat source and I wouldn't want to risk inhaling any of the off-gassing. Best would be to let a glass blower fuse the two together for you.
If you can't find one I've heard JB weld is food grade & is considers safe. I'm not a 100% sure though, so check it if that's the way you want to go.

vapor 4 life

Well-Known Member
wanting to get a solo but I read some posts about "smelly" units. where are the best places online to buy a solo and not get a smelly model? Also prices online are from 199 - 299
vapor 4 life,


Serial vapist
vapebonged with my friend yesterday with the solo. he was blown away by it and said he definitely wants to get one (currently he only has a LB). apparently he was good and vaked even after his 3hour drive home that night lol no comments about funny taste or odor, so it must not be just me getting used to it or something.

i've been going back and forth between my 2-holed angled stem and the 4-holed straight stem, and i cant decide which one i like better. I want to like the straight stem better because the straight shape is easier to use with the bong, and it will be easier to soak in ISO when the time comes. But the hits just seem to be a bit better with the angled stem. I know that theres more airflow with 4 holes, but it doesnt seem like that big of a difference and i still hit it slow even tho i could pull faster on it. Sometimes they seem to perform about the same though... i dunno. More experimenting is required :brow:

and yeah i'd also be interested in pics/vid of the HA with solo stem in action. I always wanted a stem for use with my HA, as i didnt like the mouthpiece+crucible loading design and wanted something i could pull between hits easily if i wanted.


Well-Known Member
THCMuscle said:
darebear999 said:
My Solo review:
Well, after receiving one of the smelly M104 lot units in the wrong color (BTW, everyone avoid online dealer clearance products like the plague. I asked them for black and they assured me more than once they had it and then sent me a silver one. Rather than pay to send it back I asked them for a very modest discount and they wouldn't budge, they even got a little insulting about it. Anyway, unless you're a masochist avoid these d-bags) I sent it back to Arizer for replacement. People, these guys rock! Not only is the product second to none but so is their customer service. After some initial miscommunication with Kevin he sought to make everything about my Arizer experience right again. Not only did he replace the smelly unit with a clean one but sent me a clean BLACK M105 unit. Furthermore, to compensate me for shipping he sent me 2 of the new straight straws for free. Actually, I should mention that he first sent me the curved ones by mistake but when I mentioned this a pair of the straights were shipped out to me. Customer service doesn't get any better than this. Now for the review:
As you can already tell, I'm a fan of this unit; but let me start off by mentioning some of the things I don't like about it, in the hopes that Arizer will take these cues for future updates.

1. Twirly straws make for a bad and precarious portable experience. You're moving, talking, passing, having a good time but whoops watch out for thatstraw ; < No this hasn't happened to me yet but it's a scenario I can well imagine. I've already had a couple close calls. It shouldn't be too hard to engineer a glass straw the fits a bit snugger without being so tight that you can't get it out again. However, a straight straw bypasses this problem altogetherunless you want to use it upside down but I wouldn't recommend that. Even with the straight there should be a way to get a more snug fit as a safety precaution.
2. Speaking of strawsyou're going to want to place a small screen in the chamber end of the straw and so should Arizer! The one small flaw in this almost perfect delivery system is that bits of herb will get sucked up the straw and it will harsh your experience a bit having to spit them out. A super easy and cheap solution is to just buy a small screen and tuck it in there. However, Arizer should've caught this themselves in testing and addressed the issue. Hopefully, they will in the future for their growing fan base ; >
3. Has anyone kept their cap on?! I usually just keep a straw on it at all times and don't see the need for this. Even if it's open and gets a little dusty the chamber is easy accessible with a dust cloth. Get rid of it! I did. It pulls out pretty easily.
4. 12 minute shut offWTF?! This is probably my biggest beef. If you're like me (and I'm guessing a lot of you are) there are sometimes in the evening or early mid-afternoon (but never at dusk ; > ) when I like to vape for a lot longer than 12 minutes. Hell, sometimes I like to imagine I'm the Sultan of Brunei and just keep vaping and vaping. 12 minutes isn't enough time for that fantasy ; > Give us a more reasonable auto shut off time: 30 or 60 minutes perhaps.
5. They advertise a 4 hour charge capacity. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to advertised battery life. They say 4 hours but I'm averaging about 2.5. Not bad considering I'm most often using this thing on full blast. For what I'm vaping most often lower temps are not as good or just won't work at all. I usually set it to 6 or 7. Perhaps you get 4 hours when using it on 4 but the battery should be rated for how people are actually going to use it and I can't think of many things that will effectively vape at that setting. Some people have complained about the lack of temperature headroom and it would be nice to have some more range to play with HOWEVER, this unit is simply awesome at extracting when set to 6 or 7. Which brings me to the pro side now:

1. Very effective! Clouds anyone? Were it not for copyright infringement claims from Apple I would've named this baby the iCloud. I've had or used a volcano, an iolite and an mflb and this tops all of them. Yes, even the volcano. Well, it's at least as good as the volcano in terms of smooth extraction and has the added benefits of being portable, discrete (if not stealthy), and silent. Regarding the other two units, it beats them hands downno contest. After getting a very smelly unit, indeed, friends have commented about how clean tasting the vape is with this replacement solo.
2. Very efficient! The chamber on these straws is small but don't be deceived by this. A little goes a very long way, indeed, in this thing! I get about as much vape time as I did with my iolite yet the chamber is about half the size. This thing is downright frugal yet not cheap and that's a very rare combo.
3. Very portable! I have no problems slipping it into a side pocket and traveling around with it in general. It looks like a weird can of Redbull or something, it's operates totally silently (aside from the on and off beeps), and the battery last a relatively long time.
4. Very sexy! Yeah, I said it! This thing looks cool and fits in your hand nicely. It's sleek and stealthy looking. I'm going to name mine Darth Vapor. I was going to name it Han Solo but the monolithic black and the colored light panel on the front cinched it. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth VaporriseRISE! Or, should I say Arize ; >

If you like to vape and want portability then just get one of these. However, you might want to avoid units from lots beginning with M104

I have a stainless steel model in black. I purchased it about 2 weeks ago and the model number is
M104 - 84854
I do smell an electronic circuitry smell. Some say it wears off, some say you should use ISO. Do you want to reiterate what you mean by staying away from my model number? Now I'm very curious?
Some have noticed that even in clean solos there is hotplate or iron heating up type smell. I wouldn't worry about that. It's pretty common in vaporizers where the heating chamber is some sort of metal and will fade as you continue to use and "season" it. However, what many of us experienced with the M104 lot units was way beyond that. Myself and others have noted that it smells like solder or solder flux. When I was trying to see if it would off gas I'd be heating up on full blast and could still smell it when it was sitting 3-4 feet away from me. The smell was not going away but getting stronger. If yours smells like that I would not hesitate to return it. You'll note from my review that Arizer's customer service in this regard is awesome. Having said that, perhaps not every unit from that particular lot smells but certainly the lion's share of complaints have been about this lot. Hope that helps.

Wonderfull review, my Solo *should* be here tomorrow, and your review made me even more excited to get it! Thanks for the contribution.
BTW, thanks for the compliment. I hope you get a clean one!


New Member
darebear999 said:
Vaperlock said:
THCMuscle said:
I have a stainless steel model in black. I purchased it about 2 weeks ago and the model number is
M104 - 84854
I do smell an electronic circuitry smell. Some say it wears off, some say you should use ISO. Do you want to reiterate what you mean by staying away from my model number? Now I'm very curious?
Some have noticed that even in clean solos there is hotplate or iron heating up type smell. I wouldn't worry about that. It's pretty common in vaporizers where the heating chamber is some sort of metal and will fade as you continue to use and "season" it. However, what many of us experienced with the M104 lot units was way beyond that. Myself and others have noted that it smells like solder or solder flux. When I was trying to see if it would off gas I'd be heating up on full blast and could still smell it when it was sitting 3-4 feet away from me. The smell was not going away but getting stronger. If yours smells like that I would not hesitate to return it. You'll note from my review that Arizer's customer service in this regard is awesome. Having said that, perhaps not every unit from that particular lot smells but certainly the lion's share of complaints have been about this lot. Hope that helps.

Wonderfull review, my Solo *should* be here tomorrow, and your review made me even more excited to get it! Thanks for the contribution.
BTW, thanks for the compliment. I hope you get a clean one!

Okay that clarifies the question that I had. I was thinking I would never get away from any vaporizer that has some type of smell to it. I would say this unit does not have a smell radius as far as you mentioned. I do agree it's more like a hotplate type smell.

I have an e-mail into the company and will see if they get back to me. If this unit smelled like an LB it would be so close to the holy Grail. Thanks for your answer


I almost bought this, but I chose to get the Magic Flight Launch Box instead. I really liked the fact that the launch box is portable. Not to mention that it comes with a life-time warranty as opposed to a two year with the Arizer.


here for the chicks
Yeah, it really sucks that the Solo isn't portable, otherwise it would be perfect, right?



Active Member
lol, first of all. blue or bluing is a term for the process metal goes through when heat is applied. the color it turns is less important than the chemical change that happens(minor, color change, hardening of structural bonds? unimportant!!)

second, really love the review, spot on, and yes, twirly stems sucketh for almost anything. still sad about my cracked stems, BUT, ive got my dremel, and the weird flower stem thingie thats supposed to make a room smell pretty, but i think i can modify to work better with my vapo bong .

heres a vid i did of me tryin er oot

me and my vapobong.... necessity is the mother of all invention

REALLY dislike how quickly 2 stems broke(just under 4 weeks of use), especially considering i wasnt all that bashful with them. the looseness is really a big negative in my book.

(not that i dont fuckin love my solo!!!! threw out my old grungy bong yesterday after i dremelled the wine


OhTheAgony said:
Yeah, it really sucks that the Solo isn't portable, otherwise it would be perfect, right?


haha yeah, I must have a special beta prototype that is portable. :lol:

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
mflb1993 said:
I almost bought this, but I chose to get the Magic Flight Launch Box instead. I really liked the fact that the launch box is portable. Not to mention that it comes with a life-time warranty as opposed to a two year with the Arizer.

Everything you need to know about the Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer.

A couple observations:
1) I own both and I'll tell ya, I like my Solo a lot better than my MFLB. My MFLB works fine but my Solo just works better for me (and portable as well).
2) Yes, a life time warranty is awesome as long as the company stays in business. I hope Magic Flight is around 10 to 20 years from now but who knows these days.
3) If that link is to your review website you seriously need to understand how contrast works. Black letters on a dark grey background doesn't cut it for me (which is how it displays on my phone). Try white letters on your dark background next time (kinda like here) so we can read what your saying.
Papa Woody,


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
That's a really good idea pain, I've set to work on my potpourri dish with a glass cutty and I'll see how it goes
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