can i stick my male joint in there?
crap my ceramic is peeling too. not even a week old yet

ilovebOObs said:crap my ceramic is peeling too. not even a week old yet.
vaplexus said:do you have an herbal aire? try this: load up a solo tube and put it in the HA! don't worry that its not tight, just make sure the bottom is flat against the bottom of the crucible for a good seal.
BossBrew said:Anyone purchase the new 4-hole stems and end up going back to the original 2-hole stem? They just seem to work better for me.
I am very glad to see that someone else also prefers the 2 hole stems over the 4 hole. The 2 hole seems to also burn more evenly through my bubbler. Just something that works for me!vapeon said:Yes I did and I also like the 2 hole better than the 4 hole. The 4 hole are more airy hits.![]()
vape4health said:I dry fit a Solo 3 hole bent stem in my herbalAire and it fits...
dorkus_molorkus said:It works, but I coughed like a bitch...
no longer heats up at all, says its at temp 7 all the time, but no flashing heat light.
Have emailed arizer, dont know whats going to happen there. Will they replace the replacement?
happy to ship it back to them if they do. (I guess)
dorkus_molorkus said:well seeing as its a direct reply to my post.
Of course I explained the ''situation'' to them.(why wouldnt I?)
I fail to see what a car company has to do with anything?
I do expect a product that costs hundreds of dollars to last a bit more than a few months, but nor have I carried on as if no other vape has ever had a problem.
I am hopeful & pretty confident of course, that arizer will step up & fix it, however, if I wish to feel a little disappointed in the product seeing as this is the 2nd issue I have had,
I will.
If you wish to be condecending to others that have posted here, feel free.
But please do not direct it at me. i was merely posting what my experiences are.
& will probably post what the result was for the benefit of other members.
dorkus_molorkus said:''My only critisizm to you is you emailed Arizer with a question, but asked us the same thing.''
who the fuck are you to critisise me in the 1st place?
i am an active member here & if I want to ask a question pertaining to arizer or the solo, then I will. If I just want to make a statment regarding the solo, I will.
Although, I was musing aloud rather than asking YOU specifically for help.
i am not impatient, I am just pissed off that my favorite vape has shit itself & I have come on here to talk about
it & my experiences with other solo users.
i have read this thread front to back several times, I have posted vids of results of experiments to help other solo users get the most from their units. I have answered questions, asked them & have attempted to put as much into this site & thread as I have gotten out of it.
So, again, take your condecending tone & STFU.