Arizer Solo


I prefer the solo over the MFLB only because of the impact the MFLB has on my lungs. After a day of sessions with the MFLB my chest/lungs can feel quite sore. I enjoy taking huge rips with my solo through a bubbler and not cough at all.

I have severe GERD and a Hiatal Hernia so anything that irritates my throat/esophagus is horrifyingly painful. I still use my MFLB when I'm on the go though!

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
darebear999 said:
Papa Woody said:
MFLB, yes, it has a high learning curve and it is homemade looking, but it really does function well... you just have to figure it out.

<Is your vaporizer making you feel stupid? Making you jump through its hoops? Perhaps it's time to move on to a new and better product. Learning curve?! We're talking about vaporizing, people! This ain't nor should it be rocket science. Maybe I am an idiot because I didn't figure out the secret sauce: the right combination of sipping just right and flipping your herb before it burns. All for a tiny amount of vapor. Give me a break! I just want to relax and vape and not be continually refining a method>

yes, the LB does not create big clouds like the solo, but trust me, its not necessary. LB makes decent vapor, visible vapor. just not excess wasteful vapor. what little vapor it creates, just hold it in for a longer amount until it is mostly absorbed (light vapor on exhale). I guarantee you will be high within a trench for sure. Its all that is needed when you are outside and on the go.

<Wasteful vapor?! Huh? I'd just like it if it produced as rich and think a vapor as the solo but it's nowhere close. So, let's not pretend.

I bought the solo for situations where I need ease of portability to transport from A - B and NOT use while going from A to B. I dont know if that made sense....Solo will not fit the bill when I have a long day of errands and work planned out, no real time to sit down and smoke like I would at home. I will vape off the MFLB and my pouch of goodies whenever I have a spare 5-10 min.

I have used my LB in so many situations , will be at the inlaws house, when their back is turned away, I will take a nice hit out of the LB which was in my pocket and put it back right after the hit. hold that hit in till its gone... no exhale, and I am pretty high.

I use it in movie theaters, really discreetly, hold it in till it is almost gone, barely any exhale, no one is the wiser.

supermarkets, mall, library (while studying) , public restrooms, other peoples houses who dont condone herbs (this one is a huge benefit)

I either cannot, or dont have the balls to use something like the solo in these situations

<I'll grant you this: the mflb is a better and more discrete one hitter, if that's what your looking for. However, most of the scenarios you mention here are perfectly suited to the solo too. I do travel around with it and use it, quite a bit; but just as I wouldn't try to use the solo in front of someone I didn't know in public I sure as hell wouldn't try to use the mflb for more than one hit and even then it would be pretty obvious you're doing something out of the ordinary. More than one hit and it becomes really obvious with the flipping.>

Darebear, I agree with you on your comments. I've already used my Solo in many of those scenarios as well as on a chairlift a few days ago. The original post was from Steven22 that you attributed to me. This thread is becoming a pissing match over which vape is better. I don't really care which one you like better but Steven22's post was making assumptions before he even had one based on "research". I want a vape I can use in most situations where it is discreet and for the most part the Solo fits my needs.
Papa Woody,


Well-Known Member
Sorry PW. I'm not an experienced poster in forums and using quote here can be confusing. I'm not in a pissing contest. I currently own both and this is my honest opinion regarding them. I was sold on all the hype from the mflb fan base. I bought one and was not very happy with nor do I agree with most of what's written about it. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass to use but some people like that sort of "art." You might not care which one I like better but people considering a future purchase might.


Well-Known Member
darebear999 said:
<Is your vaporizer making you feel stupid? Making you jump through its hoops? Perhaps it's time to move on to a new and better product. Learning curve?! We're talking about vaporizing, people! This ain't nor should it be rocket science. Maybe I am an idiot because I didn't figure out the secret sauce: the right combination of sipping just right and flipping your herb before it burns. All for a tiny amount of vapor. Give me a break! I just want to relax and vape and not be continually refining a method>

<Wasteful vapor?! Huh? I'd just like it if it produced as rich and think a vapor as the solo but it's nowhere close. So, let's not pretend.

<I'll grant you this: the mflb is a better and more discrete one hitter, if that's what your looking for. However, most of the scenarios you mention here are perfectly suited to the solo too. I do travel around with it and use it, quite a bit; but just as I wouldn't try to use the solo in front of someone I didn't know in public I sure as hell wouldn't try to use the mflb for more than one hit and even then it would be pretty obvious you're doing something out of the ordinary. More than one hit and it becomes really obvious with the flipping.>

as far as the learning curve, I'm not sure what to say.... I feel that it is the price LB users pay for having something as small as it is. and it really isn't that hard of a curve...just some practice and now it is second nature for me.
I have a few different vapes that all produce way more vapor than the LB yet I can still appreciate everything the LB offers and will never give it up.

on the bit about wasteful vapor, anything you exhale really is wasted.... LB will get my as high as my other vapes, as long as I give it an extra 10 minutes due to sipping on it slowly and getting less volume.
In turn, I am practicing conservation since no vapor is being wasted by exhaled clouds(trenches last a while for me).... and I like big clouds as much as the next guy, but I also know it isnt required for me to be high.

about using the the LB discreetly, I have learned from observations that most people wont suspect a thing from the LB. when in public, I always cover it with my fist while hitting it native style (you can barely see the wood , my hand completely covers it in certain angles.... It just looks like I really enjoy smelling my knuckles.. lol. once Im done hitting, just act casual and shake it around slowly... it looks like you are playing with some wooden box, big deal.

anyways, I plan on enjoying the solo and am glad to add it to my collection, I am sure I will love it.
I certainly will be enjoying the fact that I dont need to grind my herb as fine anymore. (really fine dry herbs with a fresh battery is key with the LB)


Well-Known Member
dorkus_molorkus said:
Oh, if anyone wants to do the 'dude, thats a bummer your solo died, but im sure theres a happy ending there for you soon' thing. nows probably the best time. :rolleyes:

Sorry to be SOOO late dorkus but that does suck, and I agree I think Arizer will make it right. So by now Im sure you've figured out how much you miss it. Sorry dude.

With all the pissing back and forth this is the hardest to read thread that I have followed, not to mention all the re-quoting and re-quoting and re-quoting of super long post, we end up with pages full of repost with only a few sentences added in. And when you guys quote someone and add text to the middle of the original post that is being quoted without changing the color or something else its hard to see that you have added something. Sorry for the rant but in the last like 10 pages we have maybe 2 or 3 combined pages worth reading. I'm done now sorry.

And MFLB vs Solo, I'm still in love with my MFLB but I only use it for holiday/family events that I don't have time for anything else and it's perfect for that ,I get great hits from the LB in about 10 seconds from out of pocket and back, that's enough to keep me more pleasant for a full day, reload in a restroom if I have to. Not that the Solo can't do most of that but with the glass and lights and size the LB just fits the bill better for me. I do have to add, I would never let my MFLB go but if I had to choose one vape for the rest of my life and Solo or LB was my only options, I would have to go Solo, I don't have the MF power adapter so I'm only comparing the LB on battery but without the PA the Solo is a better home vape IMO, it hits super hard without any special technique, nice load size, battery last longer then I was expecting, easy to clean stem, an adjustable temp setting, you can turn it on then just hand it to the most dumbass person and they can get great hits and it is small enough to be used in "most" situations, did I say how well it provides vapor even at lower temp settings, very tasty. Yes I'm a Solo fan.

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
darebear999 said:
Sorry PW. I'm not an experienced poster in forums and using quote here can be confusing. I'm not in a pissing contest. I currently own both and this is my honest opinion regarding them. I was sold on all the hype from the mflb fan base. I bought one and was not very happy with nor do I agree with most of what's written about it. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass to use but some people like that sort of "art." You might not care which one I like better but people considering a future purchase might.

No problem Darebear, I knew you simply deleted the "quote=" reference when you were editing Steven22's post. That happens. And Darebear, I apologize to you if I implied that you were in a pissing match with anybody. That was meant more as a general observation to the last page or two. I also own both and agree with what you said. I liked my MFLB but personally prefer my Solo overall. The longer I use it, the better I like it. No more smell and no chipping yet.
Papa Woody,


Well-Known Member
Steven, some things you need to let go of. I enjoy exhaling almost as much as inhaling when it comes to vaping and it always gives me a kick to see rich thick clouds coming out knowing it's not smoke. I don't feel this is wasteful anymore than when I used to combust and exhale. Ok, technically every molecule is not being absorbed so I guess you can call that waste but it's just part of the process that you're going to exhale and release a good part of what's in there eventually, even with the tiny amount the mflb gives you. The proof is ultimately in the pudding: the effect.
Also, I know you think you're being discrete with it in public but based on that description I'm going to hazard a guess that there are a bunch of people around you asking themselves, "What's that stoner doing?" Most people don't regularly smell their knuckles and then shake their hands around in public unless it's some sort of neurological disorder.
Anyway, I'm glad you dig it and I'm not trying to rain on mflb fans parade, just state the reasons I don't like it so that people have a better understanding of what they're getting into. I might have thought twice had I read a few more reviews like mine.


Well-Known Member
Papa Woody said:
darebear999 said:
Sorry PW. I'm not an experienced poster in forums and using quote here can be confusing. I'm not in a pissing contest. I currently own both and this is my honest opinion regarding them. I was sold on all the hype from the mflb fan base. I bought one and was not very happy with nor do I agree with most of what's written about it. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass to use but some people like that sort of "art." You might not care which one I like better but people considering a future purchase might.

No problem Darebear, I knew you simply deleted the "quote=" reference when you were editing Steven22's post. That happens. And Darebear, I apologize to you if I implied that you were in a pissing match with anybody. That was meant more as a general observation to the last page or two. I also own both and agree with what you said. I liked my MFLB but personally prefer my Solo overall. The longer I use it, the better I like it. No more smell and no chipping yet.

No worries. I wasn't taking offense to your comments. I could see that you agreed but I just wanted to let people know that from my end this is not an emotional debate but just my honest perceptions of both. I was looking for a replacement after my iolite died and I heard about the mflb. It wasn't for me but through researching it in places like this I caught wind of the solo. It all worked out in the end : >


Well-Known Member
@OTA, stickstones, vape4health & all the others who posted the ' sorry to hear your solo died'

lol-thanks guys, it was cool to see you all chime in with your sympathies.

I have heard back from arizer, they have asked me to ship the unit back to them (which is fair enough)
& they will sort it out.

I cant drag myself down to the post office today to send it tho, too hungover, yesterday was my 40th & I had a wee bit of a good time.

Subsequently, if I was a horse, I imagine i would be shot forthwith, it would be the most humane thing to do.


New Member
steven22 said:
Papa Woody said:
steven22 said:
I love my MFLB and I ordered a solo, should be here tomorrow. I have done plenty of research on the solo and I am pretty sure on what to expect out of it.

that being said, I dont think it will ever replace my MFLB. It does things that the MFLB cant, but the LB does things the solo cant either.

MFLB, yes, it has a high learning curve and it is homemade looking, but it really does function well... you just have to figure it out. I have a small pouch that is the size of my hand, it fits my extra herb, box, batteries, cleaning brush, stem. I never leave my house without this pouch. It contains my herbs for the next day or 2.

I cant imagine the solo providing this for me. for me to use the solo, I would have to set things up, put herb in the stem, stick stem in, turn on, wait, start vaping. When done, I cant simple put it back in my pocket, I would need to disassemble things and discard the vaped herb.

with the LB, I always have herb in the trench... I insert battery, vape for a little bit, and then I can put it back in my pocket with the battery in and not worry about anything. pull it back out in a bit for my next dosage.


yes, the LB does not create big clouds like the solo, but trust me, its not necessary. LB makes decent vapor, visible vapor. just not excess wasteful vapor. what little vapor it creates, just hold it in for a longer amount until it is mostly absorbed (light vapor on exhale). I guarantee you will be high within a trench for sure. Its all that is needed when you are outside and on the go.

the LB should not be ones ONLY vaporizer, or primary vape. because, for days you feel like being wasteful and just get yourself ripped like hell real fast, the MFLB isnt great. I go to my extreme v3 for that job.


I bought the solo for situations where I need ease of portability to transport from A - B and NOT use while going from A to B. I dont know if that made sense.

for example, I am going to a friends place for a get together, I want to vape. I dont need stealth. I need a powerful vape that has low learning curve, and plenty of clouds to keep the combusting naysayers happy. I DO NOT however feel like packing up the big extreme v3 along with all of its parts and transporting it while taking the risk of it breaking. solo fits the bill for this.

Solo will not fit the bill when I have a long day of errands and work planned out, no real time to sit down and smoke like I would at home. I will vape off the MFLB and my pouch of goodies whenever I have a spare 5-10 min.

I have used my LB in so many situations , will be at the inlaws house, when their back is turned away, I will take a nice hit out of the LB which was in my pocket and put it back right after the hit. hold that hit in till its gone... no exhale, and I am pretty high.

I use it in movie theaters, really discreetly, hold it in till it is almost gone, barely any exhale, no one is the wiser.

supermarkets, mall, library (while studying) , public restrooms, other peoples houses who dont condone herbs (this one is a huge benefit)

I either cannot, or dont have the balls to use something like the solo in these situations should get your Solo first and use your Solo before you start discussing what you can or can't do with a Solo.

I figured someone would say this...

but fair enough. I should have held my comments til then.

No need to hold your comments. I absolutely 100% couldn't agree any more with your last post. I own both and rest assured you are exactly spot on with your assessment in my humble opinion.


New Member
Staying on track with the solo would you guys mind if we did a survey asking everybody if they would chime in and answer some questions about the smell or lack thereof. I think this would be informative because the only issue I see that is still a mystery is the smell or no smell factor.

1. Model number
2. chrome or Black
3. Ceramic or SS

A. no smell
B. did smell upon delivery but went away with use
C. did a complete overhaul and used iso-alcohol
D. baked the unit in the oven
E. returned item and received (model #?) and no smell issues
F. returned item and received (model #?) and still has smell issues
G. other


Well-Known Member
Good idea but you need an option for those of us who returned foul smelling units. My first was an M104 - silver, ceramic and it went back to be replaced with a black M105 unit that has no smell issues. Hope that helps.


Wow, the M104 batch seems to be giving people the most issues. Good to hear the newer units seem to have eliminated the issue to an extent.


Well-Known Member
My chipping unit was a 103, it had a tiny new sent but that was gone after like 2 heat cycles, it was silver. My SS unit is a 105 silver and it had a bad smell and taste, after repeated use and many many cycles the only thing that help the smell was bake and wipe, I didn't try just wiping but I see that may work just as well, now it has just a tiny bit of electronic smell if I sniff the top, its not very strong probably not something most would notice unless I point it out.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the "components cleaner" person on the Solo production line is coming to work Vaked on occasion
darebear999 said:
Steven, some things you need to let go of. I enjoy exhaling almost as much as inhaling when it comes to vaping and it always gives me a kick to see rich thick clouds coming out knowing it's not smoke. I don't feel this is wasteful anymore than when I used to combust and exhale. Ok, technically every molecule is not being absorbed so I guess you can call that waste but it's just part of the process that you're going to exhale and release a good part of what's in there eventually, even with the tiny amount the mflb gives you. The proof is ultimately in the pudding: the effect.
Also, I know you think you're being discrete with it in public but based on that description I'm going to hazard a guess that there are a bunch of people around you asking themselves, "What's that stoner doing?" Most people don't regularly smell their knuckles and then shake their hands around in public unless it's some sort of neurological disorder.
Anyway, I'm glad you dig it and I'm not trying to rain on mflb fans parade, just state the reasons I don't like it so that people have a better understanding of what they're getting into. I might have thought twice had I read a few more reviews like mine.
lol. I have had both and he is right it is discreet, but I have found that so is the solo. Just because its all weird looking. I have had people catch me hitting it outside the bar in my car and I just say I'm checking my blood alcohol level lol.
THCMuscle said:
Sounds like the "components cleaner" person on the Solo production line is coming to work Vaked on occasion
maybe he is also the solo tester that makes sure all the units work properly lol


can i stick my male joint in there?
this is why o love my solo!!!!:brow::brow::brow::ko::p:D


Slightly Stoopid
Really interested in ordering one of these units. Where can I order one to ensure I am getting the M105 model? Thanks for the help, loving all the information on this forum.


Well-Known Member
In response to Vapelock,

-model 102
- ceramic
- no smell, no chip, no complaints.

Anyone know a less fortunate so and so who could use a vape?
I HATE the MLFB!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend you purchase it from an eBay seller that bundles it with a sweet case. You'll find the seller with a quick search and it's well worth the minimal added cost.


Serial vapist
Well my love affair with my SS Solo continues. I really cant say how happy i am to now have a solo that didnt put off a stink or bad taste at any point. I'm also impressed with the SS performance, i expected it to not perform as well based on what other ppl were saying and the lack of the ceramic layer, but they made some tweaks to the programming so that it maintains temperature just as well if not better than the ceramic in the end.

BUT I'm really really getting sick of this AC adapter coming unplugged! Seriously, it slips out so easily. I find myself holding it in while taking a hit so that i know it wont come unplugged. It seems to slip out of my SS even easier than it did with the ceramic, but im not 100% on that. I really wish they had some sort of latching mechanism that held it in place better... I would just tape it on, but since you have to remove the adapter to shut the unit down, that would be pretty troublesome to retape it on every time too.

I'm starting to wonder if theres just too much plastic around the jack and the plug on the adapter, and its just not getting to stick in far enough to start with. I've been thinking about taking a knife and shaving off some of the plastic around the plug to see if that lets it go into the solo's jack further...


Well-Known Member
Vaperlock said:
No need to hold your comments. I absolutely 100% couldn't agree any more with your last post. I own both and rest assured you are exactly spot on with your assessment in my humble opinion.

Thanks, different strokes for different folks

anyways, I received the unit earlier today. I am quite disappointed with the ebay seller, I will mention their name after I see how their customer service is. I asked around and located this seller for specifically a black M103 ... I confirmed multiple times to make sure it isnt an M104, he assured it wasn't and yet an M104 arrives instead.... at least its the color I wanted and the ceramic version... .but I think mine is stinky.

I smell an electronics smell... I don't have another unit to compare it to. I don't know if it bothers me yet.
I smell it in air around me when the unit is on the desk where I am sitting. I don't think I taste it in the vapor though... I'm not sure... its only a couple hours since I got it.
when sniffing the unit directly, its for sure the strongest in the hot areas, (cap,bowl , etc)

Which break in procedure is showing success as far as getting rid of the smell?
as of now, im just letting it go to max till it shuts , let it cool down for few min and repeat... is this going to help me?

One thing that is really annoying me is that both my stems are very loose, they spin freely on its own.
the videos I watched had solos with snug stems..which is what I would prefer. with the loose ones, its almost a 2 handed operation cause I have to keep the stem still. (they are bent, 2 hole stems)


on to the good parts, its really nice... feels great and has a quality feel to it. after my first bowl, I immediately put an SS screen in the stem... way too much went into my mouth ... it wasnt that fine of a grind either, I have really dry herbs and they crumble...

it hits real nice... tons of vapor, Im still trying to figure out the temps and controls...I havnt read the manual yet lol...

thanks in advance


Gonzo said:
Really interested in ordering one of these units. Where can I order one to ensure I am getting the M105 model? Thanks for the help, loving all the information on this forum.
Personally I would recommend either or

I have ordered Solo's from both sites and none of the units have had the smell issue. I'm sure you could email Randy as I did to ensure the Solo's had no smell.


Slightly Stoopid
BossBrew said:
Gonzo said:
Really interested in ordering one of these units. Where can I order one to ensure I am getting the M105 model? Thanks for the help, loving all the information on this forum.
Personally I would recommend either or

I have ordered Solo's from both sites and none of the units have had the smell issue. I'm sure you could email Randy as I did to ensure the Solo's had no smell.

Thanks for the help, new to the forum and want to make sure I get one of the new SS models. Which place is Randy's? PuffItUp or Greatvape?
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