Well, just got my SS replacement. I was really surprised to get it already, since it was shipped on thanksgiving, i figured it wouldnt be here until next week. But Arizer definitely got it here fast.
I have nothing but good things to say about the SS version i got. The smell and taste problems i had with my m104 ceramic at first were not present with this m105 SS. It had a slight "new electronics" smell, but after one burn off cycle it tastes perfect. I've been hitting it all day w/o waterbong, and havent tasted anything foul.
Another good thing is that the stems fit tighter in the SS solo. That ring thats around the top of the solos crucible part, or whatever you want to call it, has a ridge along it that sticks out a bit first, as a result the stems all fit snugly in it, and dont spin around when in the unit like with the ceramic. Arizer hooked me up with another straight and bent stem as well, so now i have 3 bent and 2 straight. Bent is def the way to go without tube, straights easier to use with.
The temp does seem slightly lower, but not by a whole lot, definitely not by 20C like i think i read other ppl saying, 5C would be pushing it i'd say. I always used 4 on my ceramic and 4 gives me about the same thickness of hits on the SS.
So at any rate, the ceramic flaking wasnt a huge deal to me, but i'm glad it happened because now i have the perfect product that i should have received in teh first place. Without any doubt i can say that the solo is an incredible vaporizer, it hits like the heaviest home model i've ever used, is easily adapted for and easy to use with a bong, battery life is great (although i havent had a chance to test SS vs ceramic).
I can now say that if I had to choose only one vape to own, the solo would be it. It covers so many bases, the obvious portability, with the AC adapter is an awesome home unit, with a little silicone on the tip of the mouthpiece is a great vapebonging vape, with a little 7th Floor hosing on it its just like any whip vape. the extraction in great, the loadsize is 2x a log stem more or less, which is still a small amount vs most home convection vapes so it allows for conservative usage quite easily. The temp range goes as high as i'd ever want (for use with extracts especially)... low temp vaporists will like the 2-4 temp range and ppl who want those high temp sedative feeling effects will love 5+.
anyway, back to vaping....

i will say i have noticed some weird behavior with teh AC adapter. The most annoying thing is that, like someone else mentioned, the plug will come out ever so slightly from the solo, just enough to shut it off and you might not hear the short death beep if you have music on or something so you start sucking on a cooling solo thinking "why am i getting nothign?" . and thats another thing, sometimes when you unplug the AC adapter the solo seems to switch to battery power but other times it shuts right off.
in general, it works fine during the first 12min cycle, but after the first auto shutoff (which may or may not shut the solo off or it might just act like it got shut off and then on real quiick)) its best to unplug it and plug it back in again to avoid some weird behavior.