Arizer Solo


It would be very beneficial to the thread if some Arizer representative came to help clear up the spread of misinformation. Then again we've been saying that from the beginning and still no sign of em.


steven22 said:
they are allergic to profits

Must be why they continued manufacturing the "aesthetic difference only" ceramic alongside the no chance of chipping SS for months even though they were very aware of the chipping problem and were gracious enough to send a completely new SS unit to everyone who had the problem while still letting them keep their fully functional ceramic unit.

By reading through this thread you'd get the impression every last ceramic unit chips and will cost Arizer one or two additional units, doubling or tripling their production overhead vs. the SS units.

Makes perfect sense huh? :rolleyes:


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
MattyGTwenty3 said:
It would be very beneficial to the thread if some Arizer representative came to help clear up the spread of misinformation. Then again we've been saying that from the beginning and still no sign of em.

Don't you think that says something about how much influence this thread really has on Arizer's sales?


New Member
Getting off topic of ceramic vs SS can anyone tell me if they purchased the optional 4 hole glass whip and like it better then the 2 hole whip? Im thinking the Solo is a bit restrictive and 4 holes would be a nice improvement. I understand you would not want your herb finely ground. I am ok with that.



Banned for life
I much prefer the 4 hole stems myself now, moreso in the ceramic, but they also kick ass in the SS.

I love finely ground the best, I always use screens in all my stems.

Vaperlock said:
Getting off topic of ceramic vs SS can anyone tell me if they purchased the optional 4 hole glass whip and like it better then the 2 hole whip? Im thinking the Solo is a bit restrictive and 4 holes would be a nice improvement. I understand you would not want your herb finely ground. I am ok with that.



Banned for life
Uh ok, you got me win. don't care, whatever aethestic or not you obviously haven't read all the posts in the thread regarding this. Let's leave it at that, I can barely understand your posts anyway.

I apologize to the forum if I was spreading any misinformation as per mattyGTwenty3. It is not my intent.

MattyGTwenty3 said:
aesthyrian said:
MattyGTwenty3 said:
Vape4Life, you're actually the only person I have seen saying that Arizer stated that the ceramic coating was purely for looks prior to now and if that's the case you're helping to spread misinformation.

Well then you need to read a bit more closely since I have been saying it throughout this whole thread, as well as just recently a few pages back. It was the first question I had once the bowls began chipping, why waste money and time on an extra step that serves no purpose besides looks, when the rate of defect can be so high? I guess Arizer didn't have a good answer since now they are going pure SS.

May we have a link to the official statement you got the information from then? If not you're also helping the spread of misinformation.

vape4life said:
Will you give it up for fuck sakes?

You're right it was done primarily for looks as the steel bowl underneath 'blues' over time with repetitive heating. Having it black just looks better. I insisted on it.

There are other emails if you read the entire thread which back up there were no other differences and that it was PRIMARILY for looks as he said. it wasn't PRIMARILY for heat retention.

MattyGTwenty3 said:
So to you, the word primarily means single and only?

Like I said... telephone game.

Okay, if you were Arizer sending out replacements that are different to the original unit would you be more likely to say the main difference is just aesthetic and doesn't really matter or admit the main difference is functional and gonna cost you about an hour of battery life compared to your old unit? Both are true, so you would likely give the reason that sounds better and reflects better on your company.

Not to mention that the response you got looks to be in regard to you suggesting the ceramic was purely cosmetic in your previous email. All they did was agree with you that aesthetics were a reason for the ceramic, nothing close to stating it was the only reason.

This is why your "proof" isn't enough proof for me and shouldn't be being spread as dead to rights fact, because it flat out isn't.

There is a lot of hearsay, personal (mis)conceptions, and other questionable-at-best information being passed off as fact in this thread and it's shining a terrible light onto an awesome product.


New Member
vape4life said:
I much prefer the 4 hole stems myself now, moreso in the ceramic, but they also kick ass in the SS.

I love finely ground the best, I always use screens in all my stems.

Vaperlock said:
Getting off topic of ceramic vs SS can anyone tell me if they purchased the optional 4 hole glass whip and like it better then the 2 hole whip? Im thinking the Solo is a bit restrictive and 4 holes would be a nice improvement. I understand you would not want your herb finely ground. I am ok with that.


Thanks! That's what I intuitively thought. Combine the 4 hole with a screen and there you go. I'm also going to extend the whip with one I purchased earlier from my LB. I just like the inhalation to be as cool as possible.



vape4life said:
Uh ok, you got me win. don't care, whatever aethestic or not you obviously haven't read all the posts in the thread regarding this. Let's leave it at that, I can barely understand your posts anyway.

I apologize to the forum if I was spreading any misinformation as per mattyGTwenty3. It is not my intent.

I didn't know it was difficult to understand my posts, I guess I should type more properly with capitlization and punctuation and such. :/ Oh shit wait...

That being said, if anyone including you has or finds any additional, more concrete proof to your claim it should be reposted to clear any misconception. If real proof is posted i'd be happy to admit being wrong about the legitimacy of the information you're widely spreading since I clearly "haven't read all the posts in the thread regarding it."


Well-Known Member
do you have an herbal aire? try this: load up a solo tube and put it in the HA! don't worry that its not tight, just make sure the bottom is flat against the bottom of the crucible for a good seal. it works! it works really really well IMHO. makes me wonder "why did i buy a solo since the HA works so well like this?" - oh right, the solo is portable! but still... the HA works really well with the Solo mouthpieces.

wow i can't believe how the HA+Solo just keeps giving and giving on such a small amount!

:brow: oh and stop bitching and complaining already. :brow::peace:


Who's complaining? I'm on ceramic #1 going on 2 months without a chip. I'm a happy camper. :D


Great Scott!
MattyGTwenty3 said:
darkrom said:
I'm curious why Arizer originally claimed it was one bad batch and is now discontinuing the ceramic models. If it was one bad batch this would not be the case. They designed it with ceramic for a reason, better heat retention. I am seriously trying to figure out what is going on because I don't want such a strong portable to just fall off my radar. It just needs improvements and probably a redesign, but they were really close IMO.

If it was one bad batch they wouldn't kill the ceramic model, yet here they are. I just don't know what to make of that. Did they lie before when they said it was a bad batch? If so why should I trust anything they say at all? I find it unsettling at best.

You can't understand the overhead nightmare that would come along with continuing a unit that has a weak point with such a high failure possibility vs. another unit that is roughly the same but avoids the risk completely? A weak point that people themselves could force to fail (not that I'm downplaying natural chipping in undercooked units) just to get additional free units. They send a new unit everytime ceramic chips, meaning a very real possibility of two to three times the intended materials cost for each unit sold. It's a huge overhead risk and not one a profitable business would take when there is another option with no risk of chipping that works damn close. Hell, if they never came out with the SS version to give as replacements in the first place anyone with a screwdriver could have just scraped some ceramic from their bowl and would've been rewarded with a brand new unit each time.

SS has 0 chance of chipping and the only thing ceramic offers over SS is superior heat retention leading to superior battery life; a benefit for us. At some point giving us this benefit is far outweighed by Arizer's need to hit their bottom line.

From a business perspective why would you continue producing ceramic over the SS with 0 possibility of chipping if both units work roughly the same? Try to use some logic and think with a perspective other than your own before you jump to your own assumptions. You were a beta tester for their ceramic binding process and chipping has no effect on the unit other than inspiring a deep need to complain for a free additional unit. Get over it.

I didn't sign up anywhere to be a beta tester. Arizer continues to dismiss the claims of smells/tastes/headaches. I didn't sign up for those either. "get over it" is not really a good answer from either a financial or intelligent health standpoint. Your business reasoning is fine, but I'd prefer a vape with the intention of the best possible experience and user safety over the best profit for the company.


Great Scott!
Papa Woody said:
darkrom said:
I'm curious why Arizer originally claimed it was one bad batch and is now discontinuing the ceramic models. If it was one bad batch this would not be the case. They designed it with ceramic for a reason, better heat retention. I am seriously trying to figure out what is going on because I don't want such a strong portable to just fall off my radar. It just needs improvements and probably a redesign, but they were really close IMO.

If it was one bad batch they wouldn't kill the ceramic model, yet here they are. I just don't know what to make of that. Did they lie before when they said it was a bad batch? If so why should I trust anything they say at all? I find it unsettling at best.

Have you thought of the possibility that Arizer's "one batch" statement was put out because that was the information they believed at the time they stated that? Why do you think they lied? Let's see...the Solo was released around May 2011 (Rockwise's first post was dated 5-27-2011) after they did whatever amount of Beta testing Arizer deemed appropriate. It takes time for Arizer to sell their first group of Solos and it takes time for the first adopters to buy them. It takes time for those first units to get worked hard enough for the first reports of ceramic chipping to occur. This puts us in about late August to early September or so. Arizer starts getting these complaints and takes the time to investigate and work out a solution while shipping out replacements. Now we're in October which as I recall is about the time of the statement. Now more time and a few more iterations of ceramic Solos have started to get into everyday use and start chipping as well. A business decision has to be made at some point. So did they lie? I don't believe so. Time is the answer because it takes time for issues to arise and time for a company to react and correct and time to redesign an improved product. Were they close to perfection? I think they were. As I've stated in prior posts they could do a few changes to correct the issues that have appeared. Give them time to do it.

The solo was supposedly years in the making. Did they really not test their own product at all? What test it for one week and then say it is good or something? I am not saying they lied for a fact, it is just shady and I am getting weary. I just don't get why they won't answer to any issues or come show up here to set the record straight. If I sold a product I'd want people to know facts, not rumors. We didn't even hear about the end of the ceramic until a retailer told us. They still don't even list the vape on their own website. I just want them to do the right thing and address issues, not ignore them. They did great with the chipping issue, I just wish they would address the others and improve a vape I once loved.


If this is you just now getting weary I'd hate to see you fully concerned.

darkrom said:
I didn't sign up anywhere to be a beta tester. Arizer continues to dismiss the claims of smells/tastes/headaches. I didn't sign up for those either. "get over it" is not really a good answer from either a financial or intelligent health standpoint. Your business reasoning is fine, but I'd prefer a vape with the intention of the best possible experience and user safety over the best profit for the company.

Your health and well being concerns are completely unsubstantiated and pretty annoying at this point, truth be told. You really think they produced and are continuing to produce a vape that offgasses poison?

If you're having smell/taste issues still wipe down the exterior and interior of the shell (cap included) of your unit with iso. It is an insanely simple process and seems to alleviate the problem completely for people that try it, leading me to believe it's just a little left over machining residue on the shell that is "activated" by the unit heating up. I'd be pretty interested in seeing your results.

Also, I'm sure you'd prefer a Vape business that completely disconcerns themselves with making a profit in order to best please you, wouldn't we all prefer this in every business we buy from. The thing is it's not realistic and is just plain silly. A business is a business is a business, they're out to make profit. The mere fact that they -tried- for so long to fix the problem with ceramic chipping instead of just discontinuing the unit when they found out the SS works functionally the same but with shorter battery life is a good example of them trying to bring you the best vape possible with less concern for profit if you ask me. Not to mention the fact they replace every chipping unit with another brand new unit, effectively doubling production costs for that sale. These don't seem like the actions of an evil, heartless company with only poisoning it's customer's and profit in mind like you portray them to be.


Well-Known Member
@ Vaplexus- wow! I got a HA (somwhere) & I am now off to find it, dust it off & give it a crack.

pity I had to sift thru lots of bullshit posts to find something useful.
It would be great if we could all move on, cause this shit is getting old.


Vapor Viking
What he said^... I like both my solos, they don't smell bad and both seem to work great. My Fussy friends are buying them after using them and they seem happy to!

Keep that fog rollin' in clowns!


Serial vapist
Well, despite trying to avoid the issue, my ceramic already started to flake. I can see why Arizer is switching away from the ceramic, because it came off just from the frictions of the tip of the glass rubbing on it (when the stem spins in the unit) in just over a week of (admittedly heavy) usage. I emailed them yesterday about it, got a reply today about getting the SS replacement ball rolling. Pleased with their responsiveness with all this.

So while i was borrowing a camera to take pictures for Arizer, i though I'd take some to post here:

Here's my vape setup:


My perfectly installed screen:


My ceramic coming off, you can see its happening in a ring from the glass rubbing:


And here's a crudely filmed video of me vaping some (less-than-stellar quality) herb through the EHLE.

(the glare on my TV really kills the visibility of the exhales, but theyre definitely some nice clouds this thing puts out, even with mids :) )


Well-Known Member
the solo is the perfect vaporizer between house unit an portable. this thing hits just if not better than extreme q thick clouds. take it where ever go. god i love this thing battery lasts so long. i vaped all day long battery lasted til 8 or 9pm probably like 10 sessions caNT really remember ha. if arizer wouldnt have had problems they would have best unit around an making a killing.


Banned for life
I disagree, I think they are making a killing and arguably do have the best unit around, for a portable imo. I think it will be similar to the EQ. Not THE best, but THE best for the MONEY. Ofcourse, the cost of this thing reflects it on ebay too. I would never pay MSRP for this thing again, but until something better proves itself, i'd buy another solo (even SS at this point) if I had to.

No smells, sounds, headaches, or problems with either my ceramic or SS (except for small flake on bottom, which for some reason is NOT getting any bigger whatsoever). Both smelled when new, then it went away, taste is superb.

All might tight stems became somewhat loose over time.

guitarscreamngrowler said:
the solo is the perfect vaporizer between house unit an portable. this thing hits just if not better than extreme q thick clouds. take it where ever go. god i love this thing battery lasts so long. i vaped all day long battery lasted til 8 or 9pm probably like 10 sessions caNT really remember ha. if arizer wouldnt have had problems they would have best unit around an making a killing.


Well-Known Member
Ill agree about too much wrong info in this thread, I dont mean to :horse: but back to the question if the ceramic bowl is stainless steel or normal steel. I can answer that right now and so can you, stainless steel is non-magnetic ( almost all stainless is, some grades are a little but for the most part its non-magnetic ) take a magnet to both your SS and ceramic and see. The ceramic bowl is normal non stainless steel . I get no pull AT ALL from the SS model and it clinks right to the ceramic. So that means the ceramic was applied to prevent the normal steel from oxidizing, is oxidizing steel bad????? You guys still using your ceramic does it appear to be rusting under the ceramic?

Great idea about the Solo stem in the hA, really good idea. I haven't tried it yet but if it fits you just opened a new line of customers for the hA, I read alot about people not liking the teflon mouth piece, problem solved. If you haven't posted that in the hA thread you should.

Papa Woody

"The vapor is strong with this one"-Obi Onda Woody
darkrom said:
The solo was supposedly years in the making. Did they really not test their own product at all? What test it for one week and then say it is good or something? I am not saying they lied for a fact, it is just shady and I am getting weary. I just don't get why they won't answer to any issues or come show up here to set the record straight. If I sold a product I'd want people to know facts, not rumors. We didn't even hear about the end of the ceramic until a retailer told us. They still don't even list the vape on their own website. I just want them to do the right thing and address issues, not ignore them. They did great with the chipping issue, I just wish they would address the others and improve a vape I once loved.

Don't be an early adoptor next time. Let the product mature. I've been beta testing Apple products for you really think Apple will stop improving on what they are selling now? Give Arizer time and check back in a year or two.
Papa Woody,


Hello Vaplexus,

vaplexus said:
...try this: load up a solo tube and put it in the HA!

The trick you describe corresponds exactly to what i've got on my mind for quite a while now... I'm a satisfied HerbalAire owner yet i'd appreciate if you could provide an explicit photograph to illustrate this!



Anyone purchase the new 4-hole stems and end up going back to the original 2-hole stem? They just seem to work better for me.
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