Happy EVO Friday everyone

. I hope everyone is well and enjoying the summer. Been hot hot hot here the last few months. I'm still vaping with the EVO often and it's going as well as ever. So well in fact that I'm often too high to try posting here

I've used the Precision hydrabomb much more and come to some basic hydratube conclusions that some may find helpful when selecting hydratubes. Hope it helps. The Precision hydrabomb definitely conditions less than the Precision honeycomb (or anything larger). If you're a dry vaper with the EVO and want stronger vapor and the least water conditioning, go with the Precision hydrabomb. OTOH, if you're a dry vaper and want some good conditioning the Precision Honeycomb is a great hydratube that provide nice all-around water conditioning; the vapor is much smoother and less harsh. It's my favorite hydratube so far (and in a nice small compact size). If you're not a dry vaper and/or want big time water conditioning, look to the full size hydratube options, the hydrabases, combos/stacking, etc... they really cut down the vapor (but at the price of potency).
No problem at the slow look
@Socks And Sandals, life can be very busy, especially in the summer... and I haven't been posting much because of that either. Those white streaks wont come off with a solvent like ISO, it's calcium deposits from hard water and significant white residue streaks will be very stubborn (especially when using hard water to try to remove it). I use distilled water to rinse. Lots of internet talk on those streaks and people recommend an acid rinse... even a bit of vinegar with distilled water should work. I've never bothered with using vinegar-water or an acid rinse, but may try it since adding a tsp or tbsp is easy.
If you're happy with ISO and salt, keep at it. Still, if PBW interests you, with a bit of tweaking PBW should rock ur cleaning routine (in a good way); it's much cheaper, much stronger, better for the environment, easy/fast to use, win win win win. One lb of PBW comes in a nice small tub (maybe 4 inch diameter and height) and it lasted me somewhere near two years in weekly use; simply add a small amount to hot water according to the mixing instructions, and soak a bit.
Congratulations on the EVO and Precision hydratube purchase
. Enjoy! The community here is a great resource to help with any questions. Let us know how it goes and what you think

. As for recommendations, I'd suggest a medium or coarse grinder, plus an ELB loading tool,
something like this for example to make life much easier (there are a number of different types and styles available). And imo, don't leave a fresh ELB in the EVO heater when not using it; conduction heating will occur quickly and light molecular weight terpenes and cannabinoids will vaporize off. One could cap the heater with a hydratube but then the whole thing becomes a tip hazard while sitting there. It's easiest to simply put the ELB in when you want to take some draws... and remove the ELB when your done taking draws, and it's full convection heating that way. Many like to heat soak the EVO for 10-40 minutes before using and it definitely increases extraction efficiency (especially at lower temps, like below 12:15 on the heater dial), but after a few years of use I only heat soak when I vape at low temps (and for only ~10 minutes). At higher temps, I'm good with the 3-5 minute red-to-green light warm up (unless I'm fine with waiting)... and if I want to get the faster extraction that comes with a good heat soak, I simply up the temp setting on the dial a bit (and it works very well).
It's the same detachable 3 prong style, but people should find one with a similar power rating (or better). The EVO is a significant current draw and a low capacity power cord can lead to major hazards, including melting and fires. The OEM power cable is 10 ft long and 18 AWG fwiw.
I thought those 14mm hydratubes were for the brnr vaporizers...
Congratulation on the EVO vape
. Enjoy the vape and what it offers. Try temp stepping and different temps (e.g., I like starting at the 11 o'clock position on the heater dial, then 2:30), as well as high temp one-hitters. All these different temp settings usually give people different f/x so it's worth checking out (many find low temp vaping very cerebrally stimulating and high temp vaping more sedating). I'd recommend using a medium or coarse grinder with the EVO for many of the reasons already mentioned by others. Some owners enjoy putting whole buds / cola pieces into the ELB too... no mechanical grinding at all. Keep us in the loop as you get to know the vape and cheers.
Have a great Friday everyone.