taste buds
I feel I should contribute in some small way. I preordered a titanium model last week. Normally I go for a sure thing but it seems I am a sucker for the pen style vape. I purchased a different one as my reintroduction to vaping about two months ago. That one was an impulse buy which is extremely rare for me.
It is a bit of a gamble but I have faith. My current portable works well enough for now, when (if?) I finally get a Grasshopper it will basically cure my VAS, at least as far as new vapes go. It never hurts to have a backup...
I would not be too concerned about a little tingle that only happens in an edge use case. It seems it may be an inherent issue due to the design and lack of wires. I'll take a pure vapor path over a harmless dose of electricity any day.
Anyways, best wishes to GHL, those that are waiting for their units, those that already have one, and anyone else reading this thread.

It is a bit of a gamble but I have faith. My current portable works well enough for now, when (if?) I finally get a Grasshopper it will basically cure my VAS, at least as far as new vapes go. It never hurts to have a backup...
I would not be too concerned about a little tingle that only happens in an edge use case. It seems it may be an inherent issue due to the design and lack of wires. I'll take a pure vapor path over a harmless dose of electricity any day.
Anyways, best wishes to GHL, those that are waiting for their units, those that already have one, and anyone else reading this thread.

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