OK, have had my first night last night to give a small test drive. Doing the instructions gets a small hit but really not what I was hoping. Now I know I'm in training and have never experienced the MFLB so hard to judge what I should expect. After a few small puffs I tried a bit more. Started to find the counting and such very hmmm, frustrating. Noticed the heat would start pittering out faster then expected and the batteries get very hot quite quickly.
This really brought back memories of the start up troubles I had with the T1 over a year ago. I managed to cook my T1 batteries in no time and wrote it off to over heating because of the learning and heightened frustration levels. So stopped driving the batteries into overheat mode.
Well crap, that left me with no batteries and a little put down. You know me, patience not in my dictionary. Since was given some confidence that it could take the 3.7 volt but hard to control and the screen markings were normal......out come my reserves.
First off, my AW 3100 protected Li-ions would not even fire up. Light would flick on only. Meaning the protection on the battery was kicking in doing its job. Made me scratch my head as to the power requirement. Will get to that later.
Next up, EFest 1500 V1 IMR. Holly snappin arse holes batman. Now that's what the doctor ordered.
My prescription for sure. Not for everyone because you can miss the target big time. BUT, for those who want to ride the edge and get huge clouds as a pay off, might be interested here.
Start off holding switch for 2 seconds starting to draw slowly feeling for heat/flavour with tongue. Release switch for 1 second and back on for 1-2 seconds. Keep repeating and the heat/flavour builds. Change the duty cycle (off/on ratio) as needed but don't go over 2 seconds on at a time. As the load get drier the pulse will need to be quicker and towards the end the combustion risk gets higher.
I checked on the battery from time to time and it never got that hot. No where near the LiPo4s.
Completed 2 bowls on the one battery before battery temperature started getting questionably warm.
I pulled it out and put in my ecig to find it still good to go.
Next a MNKE 1500 IMR
Behaved much the same as the EFest but noticed the battery would get a little hotter.??
At this point I was running out of consciousness. Good thing I made notes...LOL mind you hard to read.
So I basically like using in the 3.7 volt mode if the unit and switch can take it. Here is a pic of my screens today after last nights testing. Some of the black spots have changed to white.
Now I know it looks ugly but really think it's just colouration and the actually ss is not loosing it's integrity. At least I hope not. But hey, like I said before best to find this stuff out now so others can benefit.
Flash, please say it's OK....

And can the button take the repeated abuse?
Now to the power of this puppy and how it reminds me of the T1. I suspected the power consumption must be huge as to the battery temperatures and short life. The fact that the protected Li-ion protection kicked in had me wonder as they work fine with a 1 ohm load. While I had it apart I measured the SS from the conductive rods. It measured .5 ohm and flicked to .4 a couple times. Therefore let's say .5 ohm. Doing the math at 3 volts we're talking around 18 watts or 6 amps. Running this beast at 3.7 volts pushes it to close to 28 watts or 7.4 amps. WOW.
In conclusion I still have to master the use with factory 3 volts batteries so too early to comment too much. Factory suggested method works well for smaller wispy tokes.
OTOH, using in 3.7 volt IMR mode rocks......if unit and button can take it.
IMR 1500 cells seem to work and last longer then factory. Shorter learning curve for large clouds. Batteries do not cook as easily. If going too far into discharge might get very hot very fast so particular attention should be paid to the battery temperature. (from experience in other device)
One last thought, that pic Pak posted of the top screen starting to shred from the ceramic. I'm betting that happens while trying to unscrew the window piece. Caught myself when unscrewing myself, thinking I should remove from bowl first, Sure enough noticed that while holding it still grinds as you fight with the top. Would be good practice to always remove the cap from bowl when taking the glass off. Thanks for that warning pic Pak.
All in all, a fun product for sure and glad I got it.

A PA would make it the cat's meow.