Discontinued The Grasshopper


hotboxing the cockpit
I'd really like to at least try one. Maybe I'll grab one over the summer just to see, but I'm not sure I can justify it. I pretty much am expecting to be disappointed in all honesty. The HTs are way over priced for my liking but I'd like to try a Ti and this new PFE for sure...


Well-Known Member
Normal in the sense that vaping at my job (especially in the bathroom like the heathen I am) carries the risk of losing my job at best. Criminal charges at worst. I'm a pharmacy tech in the bible belt lol

Not worth it dude. Perhaps pickup a SS and save some cash just to check it out, or buy 2nd hand with a warranty transfer to save more, and keep your expectations in check.
Otherwise, keep on keepin on! :popcorn:


Brewer, Lobbyist, Vaporist
I'll probably pass altogether. If they get their shit together, I'll just buy new. I won't bother otherwise.

Suit yourself. Instead of letting one hater talk you out of it, I'd give it a try. In my experience, it's by far my favorite way to consume. I live in Colorado and work in the cannabis industry so discretion is not an issue. I use the grasshopper because it's just a great way to consume.

I've been hopping for 2 years and will occasionally pick up a different vape because it seems cool and they are all collecting dust, like for example my Firefly2 (which also managed stop working altogether from disuse, and yes it has a warranty but I haven't bothered because I never use it) my pax2 also colectes dust.

I have a davinci IQ that I do use, and even that unit I had to send back for repair within a week.

I've had a bunch of vapes, all with their good and bad aspects including needing warranty service.

The difference is I actually use the grasshopper because it's so much better and enjoyable to me to use than the Firefly2, Pax2, or IQ.

I'd say join the club. Worst case scenario you do have a lifetime warranty, I've had to warranty mine, but know of several friends who have never had a problem.

Cheers and hope you end up enjoying whatever vape you get, but if discretion is on your list of needs, the pen form factor and the 5 second heat up time make the grasshopper the most discrete, I've used it everywhere, staircase as the capitol, airplane bathroom ...It looks like a pen and by the time a pax or davinci even warms up, you can't take a grasshopper rip, put it back and your pocket and BE MEDICATED, unlike conduction vapes were you (at least I) need to sit there huffing on it for awhile.

If you're looking for something you can step outside take a rip, have a great effect and no one even notice you're gone the grasshopper is for you. It will literally take the amount of time from your station to the door and about 10 seconds to vape and you'll be set for an hour or more.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
With a lifetime warranty the only thing to worry about is shipping but that can get costly depending where you live.

If you have a few vaporizers and using the GH, it seems to do better if it's not used continually as a daily driver. As a rule portable vaporizers have more problems than a desk style especially with this one in particular.

Hopper Labs still needs to prove their revised version of the GH with the upgrades will be worth the cost. Will it be a reliable portable? We can always hope.

For some $200 - $350 isn't that much money to spend but for others it's a major expense. You have to decide for yourself.

This thread has turned into a lot of negative talk regarding the GH. Some folks are upset because they have been dealing with issues a long time. The GH has been out for 1 1/2 years and still are trying to fix issues with this unit. It is a gamble to buy this unit but well worth it if you get a GH that works properly.

It's been one of my favorite portables but I always hold my breath when turning it on.
Remember more people are going to complain if they have problems. Those that are blissfully happy, we may not here from those folks.


hotboxing the cockpit
I wasn't swayed by the one opinion.

Just kinda curious on whether there's been any failures on these new units that they took the time to write a blog post saying that they have improved reliability... when it is not clear that is the case.

i would still like to try for myself and wont comment til i do


Well-Known Member
Instead of letting one hater talk you out of it

You think i'm a hater? :rofl:Dude, did you not read that I told @muunch to go ahead and pickup a SS?? You think i'm in this thread just bashing HL? Well, perhaps your perception is off so I suggest you re-read my posts.

You continue to ignore the MASSIVE amounts of RMA's and general issues with this vaporizer and company including very recent posts like "holding my breath every time I turn it on", as well as numerous RMA experiences (upon re-RMA experiences) in this thread by well known members, FAR from hating, but your track record shows that you continue to post only in this thread, and continue repeating your anecdotes of your other vapes and car analogies and preaching how amazing the GH is with their lifetime warranty and to just buy TWO! Well, what do you think some of us have done? And recently!

Seriously, I knew you had to jump in and try to sell another member, but at least cut the bias and sound a little credible doing it. Let's not start this again and have the moderators do more work than they have to. I'd get a warning point for calling you something, don't stoop so low and call me a hater when i'm not.

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Well-Known Member
Last October I got a free GHB2 when I sent my Ti Grasshopper in for its first RMA. That lone GHB2 has been serving me well as my GHB1s have degraded to the point I can only get one chamber per charge. The GHB2 is still giving me two chambers per charge, and it seems to give better extraction performance too.

It's funny you say that. I remember your post about sending them an old GHB1. So i did exactly that, with hopes of them doing the same.

But i will find out as soon as the mail gets here.

@CarlosSpiceyWeiner Thanks for ruining my image of Ducati. I thought their QC and fit and finish was better than that. I'll stick to my Honda! :lol:

I've had every make of Japanese sport bikes through out my 42 years of existence. Never had any issues with any of them. They always started up with one push of a button. Even after a long cold New York winter in a non-heated garage.

My 2009 Ducati 1198 is IMO the sexiest looking motorcycle I've ever had.

They are both made with precision in mind.

My SS and TI Hoppers fit, feel and finish were perfect.

Now when it comes to performance the Ducati only likes to be ridden extremely fast. If its not full open throttle revving out every gear it runs like shit.

It was made to race not to be used putting/cruising around town. You'll do more damage riding them that way.

Ferrari's are the same way, not that i have one. Just from hearing it from people that have them.

So like the Ducati maybe the Grasshopper has to ridden hard but treated with care?

the pen form factor and the 5 second heat up time make the grasshopper the most discrete, I've used it everywhere, ...It looks like a pen and by the time a pax or davinci even warms up, you can take a grasshopper rip, put it back and your pocket and BE MEDICATED, unlike conduction vapes were you (at least I) need to sit there huffing on it for awhile.

If you're looking for something you can step outside take a rip, have a great effect and no one even notice you're gone the grasshopper is for you. It will literally take the amount of time from your station to the door and about 10 seconds to vape and you'll be set for an hour or more.

This is exactly why and how i use my grasshopper. For it's fast and stealthy hits when time and discretion is key.

I use it only during working hours. 3 times a day 5 days a week.

But at home or on long drives.

I'd rather use my Arizer Air. Which is a conduction vape and IMO is more relaxing using a 10 min. session vape.


Are you fucking kidding me? You think i'm a hater?

Yeah, i thought that was a little harsh
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Well-Known Member
I've had every make of Japanese sport bikes through out my 42 years of existence.

I'm envious, as i've only had the pleasure of the Honda, but I agree the Ducati is by far the sexiest, most elegant looking sport bike in existence.

So like the Ducati maybe the Grasshopper has to ridden hard but treated with care?

That's exactly how I treated ALL of mine. It didn't seem to matter? :shrug: I think it's a crapshoot at this point, anyway.


Stay charged, my friends
I wish one of my GHs would die so I could send it in for a warranty upgrade!! One SS and one Ti still going strong... albeit the SS gets HOT in the behind
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Well-Known Member
Just got back my first RMA'd Ti hopper. Sorry, @biohacker.

@Vapor_Eyes bummer they sent back my old GHB1 battery.

They also sent back my old charger. Not that i ever used it.

The back end wasn't upgraded either. Mine never got hot at all so i don't mind. I just wanted the smoother upgraded back end. Because my TI dial was always hard to turn and still is.

Even the same body was sent back, but its internals are different. Both the inside of the battery compartment and inside the bowl screen area.





It looks like they stopped using the gold plating inside the battery compartment. The gold plating inside my older body internals was all worn off. You could only see the grid pattern.

Modnote: Image links fixed hopefully. :)
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Well-Known Member
Ahhhh gotcha bro! :tup: All good as I know my two 3rd hand hoppers went the distance as well. It was all the newer ones and revisions that caused a thorn in my side similar to @JCat, but i'm really starting to jonse for a hopper again after hearing some recent positive experiences! But the horror stories do still scare me, so i'll continue to be patient and jump back on board when my consciousness says it's the right time. One thing i've learned in my 41 years, is that TIMING is EVERYTHING in life! :peace:


taste buds
Just got back my first RMA'd Ti hopper. Sorry, @biohacker.

@Vapor_Eyes bummer they sent back my old GHB1 battery.

They also sent back my old charger. Not that i ever used it.

The back end wasn't upgraded either. Mine never got hot at all so i don't mind. I just wanted the smoother upgraded back end. Because my TI dial was always hard to turn and still is.

Even the same body was sent back, but its internals are different. Both the inside of the battery compartment and inside the bowl screen area.





It looks like they stopped using the gold plating inside the battery compartment. The gold plating inside the other internals was mostly all gone

Modnote: Image links fixed hopefully. :)
I only got a free GHB2 with my first RMA. My second one they sent it back with the GHB1 I sent in.

Those are great pictures, thanks for sharing the changes! It looks like there are two heater screens now, and the change to the inner battery contact is also interesting.


Well-Known Member
I only got a free GHB2 with my first RMA. My second one they sent it back with the GHB1 I sent in.

Those are great pictures, thanks for sharing the changes! It looks like there are two heater screens now, and the change to the inner battery contact is also interesting.

Thanks! It was tough with a iPhone 6 Plus in one hand and the hopper in the other.

I'll definitely keep on eye on the wear of that internal battery contact.

So the first brand new fully charged GHB2 lasted 2 full chambers. Starting at 3 than temp stepping up to 4.5.

Put in the second GHB2 and tried the Ti PFE native. It's less restrictive for sure, the extra thick Ti doesn't burn the lips at all.

But like others have said, the full open bore creates a larger diameter of hot vapor. I even tried it with the silicone mouthpiece ( that BTW, fits on the PFE but doesn't stay on ). Just to see if the narrow hole of the silicone mouthpiece helps ( it does not ).

Next i need to bust out my OG Pinnacle Hydro tube. To try the Ti PFE the way it was designed to be used.


hotboxing the cockpit
I think there's some sort of "new" silicone piece for the PFE.

I'd be interested in hearing more opinions of native use with it though... May not be as inconspicuous but I'm thinking I'd probably use it more like that...


hotboxing the cockpit
eh, maybe it was a homemade mod... no idea where I saw it. Could have even been this thread for all I remember...

I wasn't thinking it'd be necessary, since I'm used to Milaana which I'm sure give similar effect... I think I'm back to not caring after being mildly interested this morning.

Tubo is a VAS cure. I'm actually selling all my other vapes since I got it...


taste buds
I think there's some sort of "new" silicone piece for the PFE.

I'd be interested in hearing more opinions of native use with it though... May not be as inconspicuous but I'm thinking I'd probably use it more like that...
I should be able to share my impressions of native PFE use fairly soon. I'm looking forward to it.

Hopper Labs says the PFE is best for portable use, best with water, and best for pure performance. That begs the question, why is it not the default front end, with an option for the pen-style front end if extreme stealth is needed?
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